YouTube Says New 5-Second Video Load Delay Is Supposed to Punish Ad Blockers, Not Firefox Users to – 1670 points –
YouTube Says New 5-Second Video Load Delay Is Supposed to Punish Ad Blockers, Not Firefox Users

Firefox users are reporting an 'artificial' load time on YouTube videos. YouTube says it's part of a plan to make people who use adblockers "experience suboptimal viewing, regardless of the browser they are using."


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I haven't noticed any delay in Firefox. I have noticed that the ui fails to load sometimes. Video works just fine, but there's nothing else on the page. So hey, Google, if you could keep that up that'd be great.

from what i've understood, they are selectively pushing it out, like they did with the adblock blocking shit.

So not everyone is getting hit by it.

Yep. And using the page feedback button gets you off the list from what I can tell. No response from Google but removes the ad block shenanigans instantly.

Which, to me, screams that they want to make life miserable for the general masses who dont know any better, who will blame it on their browser or something else besides google.

While quickly removing it from the people who know how to complain about it, so they wont be invested/pissed off enough to go around explaining the technical aspects of what they are doing and bringing the blame back on google.

And it might work, cause remember...folks around placesl ike this tend to me more technical than the average person. So cant use the discussions around here pointing it out and dissecting its cause and shit as the norm.

Totally agree. My kids don't understand why services like youtube suck so much at other people's homes. My house is only FF with uBlock Origin and I'm looking at putting in a PiHole soon. It's insane how bad the internet experience has become in the last decade.

I miss the mid 90s internet. When there wasnt even search engines. Just digital yellowpages and webrings, with no advertising or corporate exploitation.