Google Bard can now watch YouTube videos for you

Flying to – 228 points –
Google Bard can now watch YouTube videos for you

Looking forward to buying the robot I can send to the movie theater to watch the AI-generated movie for me and come back and tell me what happened.


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Just use, and if the transcript is too long, send it to a summarize like Kagi.

Yo dawg.. I heard you liked summaries so I summarized your summary.

It's going to devolve into the ai telling you "good," "bad," "very good," or "very bad" for everything and you won't even need to watch it.

Holy shit, this is a hilarious idea but also terrifying.

Kagi can summarize YouTube videos directly.

Oh cool, just tested with !sumk on random YouTube share link in Safari on iOS and it worked like a champ.

Even when I asked about how to do this in the Kagi discord channel I didn’t get this answer, so thanks! To everyone else, check out Kagi, it’s awesome :)