Do you prefer to wear a smartwatch or a regular watch? to Ask – 151 points –

Would love to know what you guys think and your reasoning for it. I'm starting to see a lot of Apple Watches/Fitbits/Galaxy Watches in my area compared to more traditional timepieces.


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You also forgot the fourth option: Both.

I always wear a real watch because I collect them and they are the only jewellery I have and they complete your clothing style. They can gain value and I can give them to my kids one day (when I'll learn how to make them). Also because as a Swiss I don't really have a choice.

But I also wear an apple watch on the opposite arm, for sport reasons at first, then I got used to all the bullshit it have...

I can give them to my kids one day (when I'll learn how to make them).

Are you trying to learn to make kids or watches?

Kids, it’s a private joke between my wife and me.

Aahhhh, well I wish you luck. May you get your 10,000 hours in practice and become a master of creating children!

Hahaha, fair enough. If I was Swiss then it would be an easy choice for me as well.