liberal values to Lefty – 325 points –

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As long as you can't put forth a coherent thesis or even a clear opinion, you aren't going to gain any ground.

Your rejoinder to the coherent thesis was "nuh uh" and "robot bad" so i think I'm just gonna point and laugh now, you dumb fuck.

Sounds about your speed: vague, easily diaprovsble claims, make up arguments for others because you can't defend your own incorrect opinions or counter theirs, and then retreat.

Okay then disprove them?

Jesus the amount of projection going on could power a small continent if properly captured.

Which one?

Self-hating bot? That's a new one. Lmao I just saw that you referenced the Whigs as liberals. You literally proved my point before this even started. Google Edmund Burke you absolute shit-stain.


"A new one" that you made up instead of accurately addressing my points.

And then you pretended I wrote something I didn't.

Scurry away.