liberal values to Lefty – 324 points –

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Treat the symptoms not the cause

Treat both. They usually give you a painkiller while setting your bones.

Wait until they find out that there's a ton of "we don't know what the underlying cause is" and "we don't have a cure for that yet" in medicine. In which case you have to do your best treating the symptoms -- which is also true outside of the world of medicine.

Sometimes a temporary fix buys you time to do it right. Sometimes a perfect or even "really good" solution isn't feasible for myriad reasons: so you do the best with what you have.

It's just such a stupid false dichotomy. Give the man the fish and teach him to fish. It's a lot easier to learn on a full stomach.

You expect leftists to do anything but idly daydream about the day that a socialist revolution finally and magically falls into their laps?