liberal values to Lefty – 325 points –

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I shall do penance within 1 week by gathering the material I had previously found and writing it up or alternatively finding a good overview of the Ukrainian Nazi history starting no later than operation cartel/aerodynamic so that I might help another lib break free from the NATO propaganda. Or at least have a good resource to link against if I ever run into my past self again.

That's a good idea for the benefit of our collective amusement, please try to prove your narrow point that doesn't apply to the original reductive falsity you were pushing.

So excited for that.

Oh man that was a quick find, should have done this weeks ago:

CW: Gruesome pictures of dead women and descriptions of extreme fascist violence

Don't wear yourself out patting yourself on the back, flash, it took you 23 hours to post a single extremist website known to promote propaganda complaining about Jews.

Not exactly a triumph for you.

its all sourced check for yourself

I read it. I'm not sure what your point is by sharing that goofy crap or how it pertains to my original comment.

What is your point?

"Jews are controlling Ukraine" and "don't trust Jews" based on cherry-picked anecdotes from an extremist website known to spread bigoted disinformation is not as powerful a stance as you think it is.

Good lord what the fuck are you even talking about "jews are controlling ukraine" is not a claim made by the author??? Are you ok? Did you have a stroke?? Good lord I'm thouroughly done here, but at least I have reference material now.

I know you're not much of a reader, but this is the first quote and first sentence in the discredited article you've posted: