1 Post – 314 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Play the first one its amazing, and if you are wondering what it was that was missing watch

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A bomb!

Hell of a spin

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I dont know why you would be, are you in the US? Its very likely that they were behind it and are trying to cover it up

giving the rest a pass because they are no longer visible in your day-to-day life you are effectively saying success justifies it.

Huh? How does that follow? If there is no longer injustice from an oppressor-oppressed dynamic then what is there to do? And how does the fact that it's no longer possible to make right justify the crime?

Edit: I don't even know what point you are trying to argue, my original statement was that states which are engaging in settler colonialism should be dismantled and dont have a right to exist. There can be other reasons to dismantle states forcibly (capitalism being the predominant one), this is but one of them. A rather egregious one.

So what you're saying is, if one side fully wipes out and/or swallows up the other fully, colonialism is then ok.

no im not wtf

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our history with israel is the third reich and israel having friendly relations. We are continuing nazi tradition by supporting israel.

Do you see why fetishizing black people for their skin coloris racist? Its similar to that.

migration =/= colonialism

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Words like "colonialism" or "settler colonialism" serve the purpose of naming injustices committed by empires.

They arent just bound to a space but also to a time. So the ongoing oppression against native palestinians, native americans etc is settler colonialism since it is about a people taking land from them without compensation. The roman empire also did settler colonialism. The difference is that the settler romans and indigenous population at this point are indistinguishable from each other. Through intermarriages and cultural exchanges there is not a roman-german and a germanic-german culture. And where there are cultural differences stemming from the days of roman settlerism these now coexist. There is no oppressor-oppressed dynamic anymore that characterizes settler colonialism.

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For all its faults and crimes, and Lord knows there are many, the country I'm in isn't oppressing a people native to this region.

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migration =/= colonialism

To expand on this, the oppression of the indigenous peoples of these nations is ongoing. Its not in the past its still happening. Thats the line.

It isnt. No settler state has a right to exist, the settlers already there should integrate into the indigenous culture or leave. This includes the US, Canada, Australia and so on.

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If I wrote about conservatives thinking wildfires are caused by a space laser weapon to attack the US I would be asked to not make such ridiculous caricatures but

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Some of the ugliest sexism I've seen was at the CS faculty in my university. The courses are packed with niceguys and kneejerk anti-feminists.

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Protip: Its possible to acknowledge scientific realities without diminishing your religious beliefs. In fact if your religion requires you deny reality it might be a good idea to ask why.

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Back to feudalism!

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Why should we compromise on labor rights in favor of environmentalism? The latter wouldn't be such a problem if the former had been taken care of decades ago.

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Simple Mobile Tools got sold and probably will go the web extension way of scammers loading it up with malware to extract private info and sell it. Delete it now.

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So cutting of food and water doesnt even hurt Hamas it's just to be cruel to civilians?

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Where are all the shells that seem to be scattered around coming from then?

You're the kind of lib the post is talking about.

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Watch out for razor blades when removing

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The author may be a right-wing fellow. Nonetheless, the data he exposes is not fake!

This should not be noteworthy much less be sufficient to make the article seem credible.

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The fact that you used the word twain while talking about what happened during a shit is amazing. Superb. No notes.

Or how every appliance needs to have an alarming beeeeeeep to alert you its done. Like its cool that you finished sterilizing our babies bottles but it wasn't really urgent...

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Most extensions won't work without access to the DOM, since most extension need to interact with the webpage displayed. I mean what's the point of being a browser extension if you can't interact with the web page. The suggestion is to alert when a password field is accessed, maybe an extra permission an extension needs to access the value of a password field. Most extensions don't need to, for example "dark reader" does not need to know any input field or text node value. So if it suddenly asked for permissions to read my password that would be very suspicious.

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Why doesn't the article write about the actual threat to the fediverse? Embrace extend extinguish is such a common tactic it's hard to imagine this isn't what Facebook is doing.

What about fish??

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He bypasses congress to send military aid.

Also how do you get an ethnostate on other peoples land without genocide?

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And goes against the orders given by the ICJ in the hague

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The point is to have a system where you can mistreat migrant laborers illegally because if they speak up they lose their job and get deported. At the same time you can pretend to actually care about workers with your legislation and create a white labor aristocracy.

hardened professionals from colombia

things that make me go hmmmmmmmm

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Where? usually cracks down on racists pretty hard report them when you see them

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whats even more egregious is the errant space after "politics" making it read "politics"

Unironically woodruff

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The antisemitic graffiti? Warranted criticism of Israels fascist genocide and the wests enablement of it.

welcome to TERF island

There just recently was a good episode on citations needed on this kind of fearmongering

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