UAW strike could disrupt EV rollout. Environmentalists support it anyway. to politics – 248 points –
UAW strike could disrupt EV rollout. Environmentalists support it anyway.

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Why should we compromise on labor rights in favor of environmentalism? The latter wouldn't be such a problem if the former had been taken care of decades ago.

EVs don't save the environment, they save the car industry.

EV != car. And even those have a use case. Having good EVs is necessary to wean off fossil fuels.

No one thing 'saves' the environment, it's beyond fucked at this point but EVs sure as shit is part of the solution and you can piss off with your perfection being the enemy of good stance here.

Car industry isn't going anywhere, regardless. Plus, do you really think vehicles with less maintenance and longer lifespans is going to save the industry?

I honestly don't get some people where they constantly want to pit everyone and everything against each other. Honestly it's not some stupid zero sum game here.

If everyone got along, the republican party wouldn't exist. Their power is division of the people.

While I generally support such things, how about because the dominant EV manufacturer is not unionized and these companies are already struggling for relevance? There has to be a balance between treating employees fairly and maintaining a successful business. Hopefully the results will be somewhere in that balance zone

Show me the (unbiased) research that says American auto makers' problems are having a unionized workforce.

Clearly not, but if they’re already struggling to remain relevant in this transition, paying significantly more to employees won’t help. I mean, they offered 20% raises, UAW counters 40%: let’s all meet at 30% with retraining, job transfer guarantees, insourcing, and get back to work. Given all the press about fewer parts, fewer workers, legacy automakers’ habit of mass layoffs to start over with newer cheaper labor, previous policies of outsourcing to non-union contractors, there’s a lot more to good quality jobs than just the pay

There is no balance. If you can't treat employees fairly you don't have a successful business. You have a slave shop