Biden growing more frustrated with Netanyahu as Gaza campaign rages on

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Biden growing more frustrated with Netanyahu as Gaza campaign rages on | CNN Politics

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He bypasses congress to send military aid.

Also how do you get an ethnostate on other peoples land without genocide?

Don't alter the headline. He bypasses Congress by not sending aid but rather by selling the weapons. Israel is paying for it, even if it's wholesale prices on ammunition components.

Thats aiding them.

It's literally not, like actually. Google it.

That said, dude didn't illegally bypass Congress, they gave the president that authority in the 70s and expanded upon it under bush. I don't agree with it, I think he shouldn't have done it and that it shouldn't even be possible. It is absolutely something to legitimately critique Biden for, but it is not bypassing congress in some loophole thing.

It literally is, like materially. My point wasnt that he is doing something illegal, my point is that he is aiding Israel by giving them bombs at discount prices.