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Joined 12 months ago

Whom does the IDF wage war against? Their own population. That's terrorism.

I hope you are right.

How would I? I'm Canadian.

Vote for Biden of course.

I was just attacking your words to describe him. Just don't try to justify it with such lines.

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Tax that shit more. Higher taxation is proven to cause a decline in consumption rate. Along with the added benefit of increasing revenue that can be used for enforcement, prevention, rehabilitation and care.

These are some weird looking dolph--- oh

USA should legalize all drugs.

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That's not their argument though. Their argument is that despite the benevolent sub-$10k payment free licence, at the end of the day it's still a product that the independent farmers are beholden to. That, plus rice is windpollinating. So it's very easy for it to cross pollinate adjecent fields and potentially outperform heirloom species against the farmers' will.

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I don't think those terms are binding in court.

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Dieselgate. Land of the Rising Sun Edition.

This whooshed a lot o' folks.

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It looks like some sort of fungal infection to me. Watch the redness go away within 48 hours, now that that area gets sunlight.

How would Hungarian know how to remove him? Imagine Fox News being the ONLY available broadcaster in the country. 24/7 spouting EU bad, immigrants bad, King Orbán good. There is no escaping it, the government is in full control of the media.

If you look at the map, 2/3 of the country is rural, 1/3 is Budapest (and some other major cities). And that's exactly how they vote every time too. Budapest is a bastion of enlightenment, but the rest is just dark ages.

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Finland has more than 330 hydro power plants, with total capacity of over 3,100 megawatts in 2022. Hydro accounted for 18% of Finland’s total installed power generation capacity and 22% of total power generation in 2021.


Hydro-Québec Production main power plants (2020) Total Others (49 hydro, 1 therma) - 13302 MW

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There are always better alternatives out there than this trash.

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AfD voter detected.

Edit: just to be clear in case you are genuinely uninformed, a good starting point for understanding why shit goes down in Gaza right now and why Israel is wrong is as simple as reading the Wikipedia page for example. It did not start with October 7.

This is not about a "different" point of view.

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Alright. So let's assume NB is no longer a province, but rather a state entirely controlled by Irving, in every asset. Can't vote them out. Can't chase them away. Can't legislate against them.

That leaves Canadians (and Americans that care) with the same option that you would target Russia and Israel associated companies: boycott, divest, sanction.

Someone smarter than me tell us what we are aiming at.

we == ?

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I genuinely thought your first picture would be Scarborough, ON based on the thumbnail. Your second picture is not Scarborough, ON. This is Scarborough, ON:

Note: you can see the core from your second image in the distance on the left.

Some subs did this last year. Mods of those subs got replaced.

I've been a lifelong windows user (well and DOS and whatever cartridge I used with the C64/C128) but I think it's just time to uninstall the OS instead.

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I like the lack of in-jokes, one-liners and endless popculture references.

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Thailand decriminalized Cannabis use in 2022. They've tightened the rules here and there a bit, but it's the Mecca of Cannabis in Asia basically.

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I think you were looking for the word "ancap" instead.

  • Plug lightning cable of faux-wired headphones into a charger brick.
  • Turn on Bluetooth and connect the faux wired headphones via BT while it not being connected to the phone via cable.


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Not sure what th is, but ref is the referrer's ID, which gives the referrer a referral / affiliate bonus if you purchase the item using that link. In theory it's not a bad way to support the referrer and it's not linked to you as an individual personally. You can remove it of course if you feel like they don't deserve the money for referring you to a deal. In the end ref or no ref the price of the item remains the same for you.

I think firefox leaves the ref in intentionally.

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"My grandpa died in one of those camps. He fell from the guard tower."

  • Billy, c. 2063

Sounds like a toxic environment. Do what others said but also definitely don't linger.

Tell me, what conflict is there in Jerusalem? This is not Gaza. It's 100km away.

The only conflict that exist in Jerusalem is the apartheid state of Zionist Israel.

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Carboniferous period. Jurassic was about 100m years later.

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Oh don't worry. He's already there. Suddenly all the old geezers from outside Budapest are vying for the return of "Communism", and the dumdums youngins are going along with it. Even though they don't remember how shitty it actually used to be. Nor that it wasn't really communism either.

Tell me the MPs don't understand VPN technology without telling me the MPs don't understand VPN technology.

The ocean could uhhhh use some less salt.

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Mid 40s and the two weeks my buddy lent me his voodoo 2, which was CPU-INDEPENDENT, were some of the best times I had playing FF7 on my DX4. I should have my prostate checked.

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Okay, but can't you simply ship something from a non-local company the same way you ship from Amazon?

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Yes, I can confirm with authority that the 7yo little girl depicted in the headlining picture has released the hostages.

Those are sadly not organs.

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I think they were referring to the Toronto Sun being a right bias paper.

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Did you even bother reading further or does your brain only have capacity for that single sentence?

Edit: I'm feeling generous so I'll help you:

The former Spanish football federation chief has been charged with one count of sexual assault and one of coercion in the aftermath of the kiss, offences carrying jail terms of one year and 18 months respectively.

Hermoso and her teammates said the kiss was unwanted and demeaning, but Rubiales argued it was consensual and denied any wrongdoing.

I'll break this down for you. Two scenarios.

Scenario#1 (where it could have gone):

  • Rubiales kisses Hermoso (does not look consensual)
  • Rubiales profusely apologizes in the aftermath and shows genuine remorse for his actions without spewing shit
  • He gets a fine and a slap on the wrist

Scenario#2 (where it went):

  • Rubiales kisses Hermoso (does not look consensual)
  • Hermoso says it was unwanted
  • Rubiales contradicts
  • Rubiales doubles down, gaslights
  • His team wants him to step down
  • Rubiales throws a tantrum

Admitting when you are wrong or did something wrong is manly. Rubiales is a powerhungry psychopath.

Most of Europe already has long dark winters.

To give you some parallels, at a latitude of 45° N you have Montreal in Canada, which already has long dark winters. In Europe, 45° N grazes the northern Adriatic, which is part of the Mediterranean. Everything else is above that.

The Gulf Stream really does make a difference though. The average temps are a lot more bearable, even in the dark winters, as far north as the Nordic capitals.

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