It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription to – 1059 points –
It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription
  • The author canceled their Amazon Prime subscription on a whim and realized they didn't really need it.
  • Leaving Prime meant slower shipping but the author was happy to wait and still found the selection and delivery speed satisfactory.
  • Many people love Prime for its fast shipping and convenience, but some readers expressed ambivalence and considered canceling.

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Okay, but can't you simply ship something from a non-local company the same way you ship from Amazon?

Not where I live. Amazon has one competitor and thats it. There are a bunch of online stores with specialised catalogs, etc. for clothes exclusively or for makeup exclusively, but I'll still need amazon to get things homegoods or QoL items.

I think the only viable solution is to start looking around in local shops. As long as we use amazon, we won't even know if something is available locally.

if you're in the states try Walmart. they have a marketplace similar to what amazon does and they have a large catalog of goods.