Welp, I just deleted my 12 year old, 240k+ karma Reddit account

akai@kbin.social to Reddit Migration@kbin.social – 479 points –

I was sort of holding on to hope, that something would change. Unfortunately, nothing did and so, here I am.

I'm really liking kbin so far, so I'm looking forward to spending more time with you all over here. ❤️

e: spelling


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I'm running PowerDelete as we speak. Kinda sad to see it go, but also kind of liberating lol

Make sure you go back and check to make sure that everything got edited/deleted!

Yup, it's all gone. I'll check back now and then to make sure it doesn't "mysteriously" reappear.

Make sure you get the fork with the 5 second time delay.

Damn, I wish I had known that that existed... I had to manually go back and edit/delete a bunch of stuff 😭

I used PDS at the beginning of the blackout and didn’t have a problem, and then I saw the post earlier this week saying reddit changed how quickly you can edit or delete comments. Then they posted about the fork. F-u/spez has been screaming that nothing is wrong and barely any blip happened in users, all while trying to subvert the mass delete and exodus from reddit.