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Joined 1 years ago

Oh good. Now they're literally paying the karma-farming bots to spam recycled and stolen content. That will surely end well.

The new attitude, coupled with a cost of living crisis that leaves many younger generations unable to afford a party lifestyle, is having a knock-on effect on the nighttime economy.

Title is blatantly misleading. Gen Z wants to party as much as their predecessors did, they literally just don't have the money to do so.

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There's also the matter of future developers to consider. I'm in the process of looking at game engines to learn, and Unity has decisively crossed itself off the list. Even if current studios and developers stick with Unity, startups and novices would be foolish to pick a game engine that might suddenly decide to charge them out the ass with little to no notice. Existing developers have the issue where they already have tools and experience with Unity, but newer folks don't.

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OnlyFans model outed as cop


You forgot the part where millions of people still write in Donald Trump based on the widespread conspiracy that he's still alive, and we get to figure out what happens when a state tries to elect a dead man.

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Not to defend Trump in the slightest, but it was my understanding that the President isn't actually required to release his taxes; it's just a tradition that literally every other presidential candidate has conformed to. You know, to show that they're trustworthy, which is why Trump never released his.

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So we're keeping the reddit trend of posting any tabloid-level "headline" about Musk as if it's technology news?

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It's legal because the people who benefit from corporate lobbying are the same people who determine what is legal.

Strange to see Zullie outside of the FromSoft space, but also, 100% accurate point.

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If they're struggling, then maybe they should pick up a second job, maybe cancel some of those subscription services?

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If I had to guess, there are too many users who would become appointed as moderators, then just shut down the subreddit again. The admins need time to filter through the applications to find the genuine bootlickers.

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Remember when their account signup page said "It's free, and always will be"? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

And if you don't, then the problem has still resolved itself!

It's not specific, it's just making the point that the options being given are something bad, something bad, or something good. Pretty obvious choice to anybody with half a brain.

"LGBT" doesn't have to be a conscience or religion belief. You can just state that heterosexual marriage against your beliefs.

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I'm ready for the impotent screeching of all the manlets who hate parts of speech.

If the choices are "enthusiastic genocide" and "genocide with some light tut-tutting", then democracy failed.

I wouldn't say it's as easy at Twitter. Twitter has an algorithm so you can be lazy. Mastadon requires that you actually go find the stuff that you want to see. The upside is that Mastadon doesn't waste your time with a bunch of garbage that "tHe AlGoRiThM" forces in front of you: it just gives you exactly what you asked for, instead. But you can't brainlessly scroll for hours with zero input the way you can with Twitter.

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Tapir -> Rhinoceros -> Elephant

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Reddit has no tools for blind users, because it never considered that they needed them.

Reddit cannot commit to creating these tools, because "we're working on accessibility" is purely a lie to placate the masses.

Reddit doesn't even know what they're supposed to be working on or what the problems are, because they simply do not care about users with disabilities.

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The case involved a grain buyer sending out a mass text to drum up clients and a farmer agreeing to sell 86 tons of flax for around $13 per bushel. The buyer texted a contract agreement to the farmer and asked for the farmer to “confirm” receiving the contract. He issued a thumb’s up emoji as receipt of the document, but backed out of the deal after flax prices increased.

The buyer sued the farmer, arguing that the thumb’s up represented more than just receipt of the contract. It represented an agreement to the conditions of the contract, and a judge agreed, ordering the farmer to cough up nearly $62,000, likely causing a string of puke emojis.

What a bunch of horseshit. I can see a thumbs-up emoji being used as an explicit sign of confirmation, but even in the context, the farmer never indicated any willingness to sign the contract. Receiving a contract and signing a contract are two entirely different things.

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JFK was here... and there... and over here... and a little over there...

It's appropriate because that kind of shit happens irl, too. Small city with a cool local vibe becomes popular, people move to the city because it's popular, all the popular stuff gets priced out and paved over to make room for more Starbucks. Then people whine about how cool the city used to be. Gee, I wonder what happened to it?!

I don't think what Bowman did was smart, but giving ammo to Republicans genuinely doesn't matter. Republicans are currently trying to impeach Biden for literally nothing. If you act perfectly and give them no ammo, then they'll just straight-up make up bullshit instead.

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the needs of the money

An apt typo.

Conversations about language aside, the error is that "Monday" is a string with a length of 6.

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I'm currently trying to pick up Godot, the game engine. I've always wanted to make video games and figured it was time I actually sit down and learn the nuts and bolts of how that happens. Currently making my way through an instructional playlist while working on a design document on the side.

"I could fix her, but honestly whatever the fuck is wrong with her is honestly way hotter."

I mean, teeechnically he's still right. It doesn't ban water breaks, it bans mandating water breaks. Companies are still free to give people breaks, but not because they're legally required to. All that being said... for all intents and purposes, it's a water break ban.

Cultist Simulator is pretty unique... not necessarily in a good way. It's a storytelling/puzzle game with some great writing if you can power your way through the gameplay. The mechanics are deliberately very obtuse, with no tutorial, to emulate the fact that diving into the occult is confusing and dangerous. The end result is that the game is very unique and cool, but it's absolutely not for everyone. TL;DR on the basic mechanics: you have a handful of verb boxes, such as Talk or Research, as well as various cards that you can slot into them. Each card has a variety of tags on it. Depending on which cards with which tags you put into the various verb boxes, you get different results.

Approximately 0%, unless Biden has a stroke or something before the election.


If it's merely life-threatening, then I'll wait for an Uber.

The only thing the flag code says about the design of the flag itself is below. Everything else is about how the flag should be treated, used, and displayed:

"§1. Flag; stripes and stars on

The flag of the United States shall be thirteen horizontal stripes, alternate red and white; and the union of the flag shall be fifty stars representing the fifty states, white in a blue field

§2. Same; additional stars

On the admission of a new State into the Union one star shall be added to the union of the flag; and such addition shall take effect on the fourth day of July then next succeeding such admission"

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I believe "heads of lettuce" is becoming the standard for political gaffes.

I'm running PowerDelete as we speak. Kinda sad to see it go, but also kind of liberating lol

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My favorite (probably inaccurate) point about the name "Jesus Christ": the name "Christ" means "anointed one", as you said. People were generally anointed by having oil poured on their head. "Jesus" is just contemporary form of the name "Joshua". So in another life, "Jesus Christ" could literally be translated as "Oily Josh".

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Celeste. Not much to say except that it's a fantastic little platformer.

For Japanese specifically, I'm using Renshuu (free) and Wanikani for kanji ($9/mo) and loving both of them.

I'm extremely surprised that the number is only 95%.