Openreads is looking for funding for IOS development. to Open – 96 points –
GitHub - mateusz-bak/openreads-android: A mobile books tracker written in Flutter that respects your privacy.

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I guess the point is being open-source and integrating with open-source projects. Is this the case with LibraryThing? 🤔

It's not, and it's run by a private for-profit corporation, but once they re-enable their API it doesn't really matter for the purpose of scraping the data. Open data is open data, and integration is just a hook, not part of the core functionality of the app.


Out of interest, how often do you find issues looking for books on OpenLibrary?

I gave up on using any site for tracking books, they all either have partial functionality or limited database. These days, I just use SQLite database with a custom Python scraper that I turned into a basic website that offers everything I need.

But last time I checked Openreads, it missed 9 out of 10 books. That's 10% success rate.