Richard Stallman's political discourse on sex to Free and Open Source – 50 points –

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People do the same with Musk. What anyone cares what Stallman, or Musk, says about things they know nothing about is beyond me.They both have said crazy things.

Except Musk is a disgustingly rich egomaniac who is using his money to influence the world based on shit opinions and beliefs. Stallman is just some creepy software dork that seems to keep to himself with his shitty opinions and beliefs.

Pretty bad comparison tbh.

They are both very committed and driven people. They both may be on the Autistic Spectrum, Musk admittedly and Stallman maybe though some say no. They both are influential. I would find it hard to choose. Free Software is in everything. Stallman is older so the majority of his work is in the past, Musk is just passing his prime. Musk is good at making money which is his benefit not ours ... and hitching is name to other people's companies and work. His own... Spacex maybe... not sure about the otgers. In terms of accomplishment a lot of both is the result of other peoples money and work... but that is the nature of things. There are other similarities...

The topic was their shit beliefs being the focal point of public discourse around them, not their personal achievements.

Why anyone cares what Musk says about things he knows nothing about is beyond me.

Likely because Elon Musk has built an entire career around convincing people who know even less about the subject than he does that he is an expert in this week's scientific field