the API changes occur tomorrow, gentlemen, it's been an honor (inb4 Lemmy completely crashes) to Lemmy – 1297 points –

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I've just done the same. Are you using an android client? Is there something very similar to RIF?

RIF refugee, I'm using Connect for Lemmy, it's pretty good. I tried Jerboa and it has a couple more customization options, but it's much, much buggier in my experience.

This thread on the Lemmy Apps community should help you deciding which client you want to stick with

I'm using Connect for Lemmy and went into the settings to change my list to "reversed list" and it feels really close to RIF.

I've been using Connect on Android today and it isn't bad. I've heard liftoff is also similar to RIF which I'll try later tonight.

Hope we have luck in finding a good app!