the API changes occur tomorrow, gentlemen, it's been an honor (inb4 Lemmy completely crashes) to Lemmy – 1296 points –

Goodnight Apollo, my sweet prince.

Hello Memmy šŸ«”

You may have already seen this, but there is a web app for Lemmy that looks and functions very similar to Apollo:

Iā€™ve been trying it today, and itā€™s pretty good.

WTF! i been on lemmy for 2 weeks and this is my first time seeing this! Thanks

e: This is friggin amazing!

No prob, fam!

I'm just curious; why is it a web app and not something you can download? The black bar in the bottom of the screen makes it feel weird, also the fact that upvote/downvote colors are reversed. Other than that, it soothens my withdrawals from Apollo, and I think I'll be using it a fair amount alongside Memmy (which feels nice, it's not a 100% carbon copy, but familiar)

Click the share button and save it your home screen itā€™ll save and operate as an app. Itā€™s a web app just a new build option that makes it easier for something to be accessible in multiple ways.

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Holy shit, the developer has put some serious work in. I didnā€™t know web apps could be that good. Thereā€™s some insane attention to detail going on here

Damn... I hadn't been paying attention and thought that was actually exclusively an iOS app when I'd seen it mentioned before... Looks interesting.

Nah, itā€™s for everyone.

And if you save it to your Home Screen as an app it feels really good to use.

Yes... This is what I learned and the reason for my comment. It looks very interesting as I said. Not bad at all.

You can use it oN Android and feels ilegal, but ilegally awesome.

Wow! It really does feel very similar to Apollo. It will undoubtedly make the transition easier.


Check out Memmy if you havenā€™t already. Itā€™s the best IOS Lemmy app Iā€™ve tried by far, and really reminds me of Apollo.

This web app is really nice too though. Itā€™s cool that weā€™re getting such good options.


Incredible, and the dev keeps updating it like twice a day.

I'm also running a copy alongside my instance, at

I never was really fond of web apps but this is great.

Wefwef feels like home. I was using Apollo for years and this feels very natural

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Even as somebody who has never used, and will likely never need Apollo, I am really grateful for what he did. However unintentionally, I think he ripped the mask off how rotten the management structure was. It's one thing to sell ads and collect hidden metadata. Pretty much all the apps do it. But the whole way Reddit treated him was beyond despicable.

Agreed. When I saw the Apollo thread, my first thought was 'Nah, not even spez would do this' but I choked on that very fast when I saw the e-mails, the audio recordings and everything. It was so blatant, so asinine, so horribly fucked up.

I've never used the Apollo app, but millions of people did and in stead of thanking him for all his work, reddit just stabbed him in the back. Can't believe there are people still taking reddit's side on this, it's crazy.

undefined> Canā€™t believe there are people still taking redditā€™s side on this, itā€™s crazy.

The AMA where Christian called his bluff was just magical.

It blows my mind that people are actually defending Reddit on this.

because they think it's just some dude who profitted off of reddit's goodwill without giving anything back, and now poor ol' reddit just wants to make a couple bucks to pay the bills.

Yeah, essentially taking spez's word for it. Ignoring the fact that before April, Reddit used bend over backwards to help developers. Christian Selig even said nothing but great things about Reddit corporate before they dropped the bomb.

Don't tell me Reddit didn't know people were writing third-party apps.

But we ended up with garbage like this:

It blows my mind that people are actually defending Reddit on this.

I seriously think Reddit is operating a sock puppet scheme to push a narrative. They've done it before, and they've bragged about it to the press.

That is why there are so many baby accounts or long dormant accounts that suddenly came to life in the last couple weeks. This is a company which is coming off a month-long campaign of libeling and slandering its top third party developers, and then gish galloping all over the site after the recordings and emails were published.

Then you have Huffman idolizing Musk, saying he wants to do to Reddit what Musk did to Twitter.

Good third party apps cannot come to Lemmy and Kbin fast enough.

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What I miss is the amount of content, but thatā€™s about it really. So far, Lemmy feels a lot friendlier and justā€¦ more fresh? Maybe Reddit doing their IPO will turn out to be a good thing for the internet overall

Lemmy doesn't feel so.... young. Feels like people here actually want to say something of substance other than a race to the bottom for karma

Have you seen the beehaw community survey~?

Neurodivergence makes a lot of sense.

Back on reddit most of autism, adhd aspie memes itp subs felt way more friendly and generally better

Take into account ND people generally being more ... faithful to their moral rules (can't browse reddit without guilt anymore) and we are probably mostly ND

Gotta wonder why 21% of the people refused to answer whether they were aware of the fediverse before signing up.

Perhaps something along the lines of: skip/I don't remember ?

Yeah I mean, that looks better than what I expect Reddit to be: 13-20

Could someone please explain to me that white/not white chart? What is white and not white?

I swear I actually don't know, and I am kind of embarrassed to ask but I just want to know. Is it strictly skin color, like is there an RGBs value that if a person averages a darker saturation then they are not white, and above that bar they are white? Or is it an aggregate of ethnicities that fall into the category of "white"?

Seriously if anyone could help me understand here. I got into an argument with someone not long ago because I said white is not a race, and her friends were backing her up as well.

I just wanna understand.

You're right. White is not a race. Neither is black, brown or purple. People have different levels of melanin in their skin, and that's it. People come from different cultures, and have different norms / frames of reference. That's where diversity of opinion comes from.

To boil that down to a binary categorisation based on literal skin colour is reductionist to say the least. Some might be less generous.

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I'm on kbin. It's just... lightweight reddit basically. I dig it. The one thing we're all going to lose is the content from 15 years of reddit though. Can't just magically recreate or replace that in any short time frame.

It's just... lightweight reddit basically. I dig it.

One could say you... digg it.

That content isn't active discussions anymore, just archive to be searched. It'll still be there. Just make sure you make new content in the fediverse.

conversations over 2 weeks on reddit are entirely dead, though. People think you're a lunatic for commenting on something over 5 days old, and while older posts are interesting, it's not the way sites like this are used. Maybe for searches for information, but not conversation.

Absolutely, people act like swapping over is no biggie, but there were all kinds of posts that led to obscure answers and provided such simple and pertinent information. Donā€™t know something, try a google then ask on reddit and someone will be either super helpful or condescending. Itā€™s going to take a LOOOOOOOONG time for people to really swap if ever.

You know, there's a huge difference between using reddit to find answers/solutions and actually adding content yourself. I've swapped in that I'm not posting/commenting on reddit anymore.

I can imagine I will be directed to reddit a lot when in search of specific information, but I'm blocking ads so they won't get money from that and basically I'll just be 'taking' from them, adding nothing of value really.

It very much feels like early Reddit, i do hope for more content but honestly don't really want it to grow as much as Reddit did and thus become like it

I had stopped participating in a lot of subreddits I had been really active in because they just became so large there felt like no point.

Agreed. It's a breath of fresh air from the Reddit mileu, which has seemed to have grown so stale, predictable, and hostile over the years.

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I think a lot of moderators are just going to back down and return to business-as-usual from tomorrow. Reddit will suffer as a business but this isn't going to downright kill the site. Unlike say... Tumblr or OnlyFans, Reddit has a far more diverse clientele and many of them couldn't give a shit about third-party apps.

These half-arsed protests staged after the 14th June have told me that most of Reddit's mods are fucking cowards who are more afraid of losing their status as internet janitors than all the third-party apps.

Reddit's moderators could easily bring the site to its fucking knees if they just collectively stopped enforcing any rules (including site-wide ones), removed Automoderator, unbanned every single user, then told everyone to just go nuts.

The mods of /r/interestingasfuck had the right idea by encouraging users to post NSFW content, since this would have chased away advertisers in droves.

I mean the whole "sexy pics of John Oliver" protest that /r/pics had isn't going to chase away advertisers, but having your content displayed alongside a flood of explicit pornographic images definitely will.

I'd argue it will become like Facebook, with the younger and more intelligent crowd leaving the site.

Excuse me! I'm older and more intelligent, thank you very much.

I'm on the older side, can't comment anything about the intelligent part.

Visiting Reddit now just feels like watching teenagers raging against bots. Like YouTube on steroids. You can't convince me anyone there is older than, being generous, 25.

Older-than-me-people (50+) are still playing Candy Crutch on Facebook.

I'd argue that you're right, and that it has already happened. If the bootlicking crowd on Reddit is actually organic users hearing a call to action to start commenting after months and years of inactivity, that is. Reddit is known to operate large networks of sock puppet accounts for fake engagement and narrative control (per Venture Beat's reporting, which quotes an admission from Huffman).

Speaking of bootlickers, the last couple of days I've seen endless posts from "users" saying no one actually cares, protests failed, protesters are just trying to defend the profits of third party apps etc. Smells of copypasta and astroturfing.

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It was actually the olds that left first, the ones who remember what the internet was like before corporations came in and dominated everything.

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The front page has gotten worse and worse over the last few weeks. Posts are just filled with Top Level spam comments with no replies. There has to be some kind of coordinated effort by the admins to make it look like the site is still doing fine.

The protest wasn't successful, but it's made enough people think twice about their reddit usage that it did something. I think a lot of the mods thought thought that reddit would cave, and now they haven't they're facing the destruction of what many of them have built from next to nothing (Mostly mid size subreddits) they're not prepared to nuke it all.

Why would they continue work on a site where in reality they have zero control.

Up until now, they probably thought they had, but now it's clear they don't.

It now turns out, that mods can be overruled and even excluded from the community they started.

I agree the mods could and should have done a lot more to protest more effectively as you said. Reddit will be around for a long time to come I suspect, but in a steadily decreasing manner, with its effectiveness and relevance as an (often good) information source fading away.

Interestingasfuck banned me for posting porn. Would have been good protest, but...

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I just joined Lemmy today after uninstalling Reddit Is Fun. It was absolutely surreal just how much habit was in pulling out my phone and pressing the space where RIF used to be. Decided I'm kind of mostly done with Reddit other than quick information look ups on the website.

So here I am! First post! The only constant in life is change. Hello everyone, I hope we all get along! :)

I've just done the same. Are you using an android client? Is there something very similar to RIF?

RIF refugee, I'm using Connect for Lemmy, it's pretty good. I tried Jerboa and it has a couple more customization options, but it's much, much buggier in my experience.

I'm using Connect for Lemmy and went into the settings to change my list to "reversed list" and it feels really close to RIF.

This thread on the Lemmy Apps community should help you deciding which client you want to stick with

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First comment myself - but your sentiment is identical to mine. Hoping Lemmy will grow into a better analog to reddit. I will def miss RIF.

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Over a decade lurking on reddit; never posted. Just made a lemmy account. I don't need lemmy to be "the next big thing"... just need it to not be overrun by bots and astroturfing. Hopefully some of the smaller subs I visit move over.

Yeah, my least favourite paart about all of this is that I had to abandon most of the smaller subreddits I was active in.

Oh well, they'll reform here, I bet

So far, the smallest of my subs to even have a presence here are ones with ~400,000 subscribers. Anything smaller than that doesn't exist yet :(

I didn't think infinity would be finite but tomorrow we'll reach the end of Infinity for sure

I will miss that little app for sure. I wonder how many kilometers i scrolled with it.

it was my first approach to redditšŸ˜­...

I had fun over there but nothing last forever

One of the best apps for sure! If you want to keep using Infinity, you can build the app with your private API-key following this guide. Also there's a fork of Infinity which supposedly makes it compatible with Lemmy, but I haven't tried that one yet.

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I hope Reddit fully dies off- that site is a cesspool and deserves to meet a fate similar to tumblr & myspace.

Tumblr? Tf u mean? It's still doing pretty well, MySpace lost all content posted before 2016 and is now a useless empty husk. Tumblr is just smaller, but still active. This comparison makes no sense.

Yeah. Hell, a bunch of people just joined tumblr from reddit. There's a whole reddit refugee tag that was trending for a minute there.

Eh, its still massively less popular than it used to be before they banned porn, if something similar happens to Reddit, with it becoming a ghosttown in parts of it but still fairly active on larger communities- I'd still consider that a win against them.

I hope Reddit fully dies off- that site is a cesspool and deserves to meet a fate similar to tumblr Digg & myspace.

RIF was part of my life for a decade. It's crazy how emotional this experience has been. It feels like losing a home, a community, everything because some fuckface won't find a compromise.

I do feel like that about Apollo. Itā€™s crazy how different the Fediverse feels via a UI that copies Apollo pretty closely, I feel like I just dropped into a gaggle of tiny subs. Sure most features are missing, but the progress is so fast.

I still am pretty bummed about losing the old site. Iā€™ve spent so long there. But I was hopping sites before and itā€™s now wrong to start doing that again. Complacency is how we get apps like Instagram, which are more ads than pictures of friends (which is all I want out of that platform)

I'm a Relay user which is one of the few apps that are going to stick around, but I still opted out of Reddit anyway. As a mod, spez arrogance offends me.

I was a former Relay user too. I've been on Lemmy for about 2 weeks now. It's growing and changing by the day. It's really fascinating. I started using Liftoff a couple of days ago and it's a great app! Still testing a few others but Liftoff is my favorite so far.

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Itā€™s already begun - Iā€™ve been getting ā€œunable to fetch postsā€-type errors since this morning. Hang on tight folks, itā€™ll be a wild ride as we welcome the flood of new Fledditors!

Is it bad that I only recently discovered this site?

You discovered it, so no, it's good :)

edit: although you missed the "3 days no poop" meme, now the equivalent of reddit's poop knife

Not at all, plenty of people are about to join for the first time. Have fun!!

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Try instance and Liftoff app. Awesome combo of fast instance and pretty stable app.

I'm here from reddit reporting in. Happy to be joining the Lemmy team! Fledditors is a great name btw

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Already seeing high latency for our instance. Guessing everyone realized the impending doom and created accounts on one of the easier instances to join. Welcome, fellow lemmings!

Highly recommend purging / editing your comments before you go. I used PowerDeleteSuite for my main and alt accounts and it worked really well. If you've got thousands of comments and heaps of data it'll take ages, but it's an important step, leave them with nothing they can monetize

Yep, and just to add to this: Don't immediately delete your account afterward, keep it for a few days.

Sometimes some comments will be restored, or suddenly show up after a subreddit has opened again, or something like that (I've only had four straggler comments total, but still, wouldn't have seen that had I deleted my accounts).

I've even seen some posts about people complaining that all their content has been restored and trying to use privacy laws to get reddit to comply. Don't delete your account until you're sure everything is gone!

Besides, I would have kept my account for a little while longer anyway, because I've been lurking on reddit for the drama. ;)

Just to clarify, if i use the suite it won't delete my account? I want to keep the account live for a few reasons.

Correct. It allows you to either edit or delete (or both, in which case it first edits, then deletes) all your comments, but it also allows you to filter by subreddit or date, and it even gives you the option to back up everything locally, so you don't lose everything like saved posts or something.

At the bottom, drag the big green button to your bookmark bar, then open your profile page and click the bookmark. It'll give you all the options. :) If you're not using it already, it will probably redirect you to old reddit profile page, but then you just click it again.


I have edited thousands of comments on my 12 year old account.

It was a mostly good 12 years on reddit.

So long and thanks for all the fish.

It's 100% Lemmy now.

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One more day until Reddit Isn't Fun... :(

It's been a good run, but without RiF the site is worthless.

That being said, it paves the way for the Fediverse to grow, so rather than celebrating the end of an era, I'm enjoying the birth of a new one.

Yup. RIF forever stuck on reddit alternatives for me šŸ˜­. Out with the shitty old, upwards and onwards I guess.

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Excited for Lemmy.

Reddit was it was good while it lasted, but it was just a container for online communities. The AP protocol is superior to a centralized model in every way.

Onwards you beautiful nerds!

Only thing which isn't great is the fragmentation of communities. For example having several different soccer communities, or several diff gaming ones, etc.

It's early days though, (among the rapid increase in numbers), as people move and instances get discovered and linked the best communities for everyone will rise.. Might not be just one though... To keep the football community example, there could be a good instance for match treads, but another could be great for championship clubs or non league or whatever... Fragmentation or choice? :)

Yeah to be honest it probably doesnt matter all that much. Another point would be that theres several communities I would like that dont even exist on any instance so its not even a complaint yet lol

I don't necessarily see this as a problem. Part of me yearns for the days of vbulletin and phpBB forums, where each one was small enough that it had its own unique culture and feel. You "knew" the people you were interacting with and were able to build camaraderie with fellow forum members.I couldn't tell you the username of 99% of the people I engaged with on Reddit. Having a huge, monolithic community ala Reddit completely destroys any sort of culture of the community.

This is the best of both worlds, in my eyes. Naturally, certain communities in certain instances will become the community for a topic, but with the added benefit of being able to find a smaller, more focused community elsewhere.

I agree, I hated when some of the subs I was in would brag about hitting a number like 100,000 members. After a certain point more members doesn't add any value at best, and and at worst actually hurts the quality of the community. The bigger numbers were just an ego thing for the mods.

Yup, for a very long time I used reddit for nothing but r/NBA. You often had quality posts with substance and users generally knew what they were talking about. Compare that to today, and every single thread is filled with nothing but memes and shit posts that don't actually add anything to the conversation.

The problem is how do you know how a community feels?

I search for "word" and see 12 different servers for the exact same word, which would I go for? For now it's the one with the most subscribers

You can't trust the subscriber numbers, it appears it's only counting subscribers from the server you are on.

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Just joined the Lemmy-verse and getting everything setup. Hope u/spez rots in hell

Check out wefwef if you were an iOS Apollo user. Welcome!

I am a satisfied Android user, and can still recommend to fellows, giving wefwef a try

This is a game changer. Thank you for your recommendation. Itā€™s like Iā€™m using Apollo again.

At this point I just want to see it suffer lmao

Stoked to be a part of the new community. Still have trouble explaining to my friends exactly what the fediverse is in simple terms without making it seem more complicated than it is

  • Reddit/insert enshittified service here: data stored by corporation

  • Fediverse: data stored by the community itself

  • Threadiverse: above, but presented like Reddit threads.

  • Why it's important: takes power back from FAANG and gives it to the people; allows you to store your social media with people you trust, including just yourself; can be studied or forked by users

I know I've left out a lot of details, but that's why it's a simplification šŸ˜„.

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The vibrant ecosystem of third party apps is what made Reddit, from what I've heard even the official app is a reskin of what used to be a third party apps. Pushing that ecosystem to Lemmy (I have 7 actively developing Lemmy apps installed on my phone) could spell eventual death for Reddit, and was a very unwise long term decision.

Don't forget the current lockdown and eventual (this is an assumption) removal of NSFW content. Porn is not IPO friendly, but one should never underestimate the amount of regular traffic it can produce. When traffic metrics are collected, they rarely filter out NSFW. There's already, and I'm sure it won't be the last.

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Goodbye Sync for Reddit...

And hello Sync for Lemmy (soon)!

I really wish more apps were straight up switching to Lemmy like this.

RIP Baconreader, been on it for the better part of a decade and the official app can't come close. This is a nice change of pace though, and I don't mind moving over at all.

Fellow baconreaderer here. I installed liftoff! 2 days ago and while not quite the same feels very similar to BR to me.

Those API changes will be the death of Reddit. When I glanced at RIF today in my app list and remembered it was offline, that brought me here finally. I held out hope that Spez wouldn't stand his ground but he did and now here we are. And this is my first post here, first of many. I hope this place thrives.

Image Transcription: Text

[An image featuring white text centred on a black background]

Dawn of

The Final Day

- 24 Hours Remain -

^I'm a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^

Just moved in, hoping for the community to grow here as big and bigger than reddit's community.

Yeah I heard about Lemmy from Mental Outlaw so this is my first real dip into the fediverse. I'm hoping it fosters a more diverse array of hobby centered communities than reddit, since the latter has started to feel more homogenous over time.

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Got here after RIF died, so sorry for being part of the chaos.

I don't post much, but I hope I'll be a positive addition here.

12 year reddit user that just came here after RIF went down. Excited to meet you all here! It's my first comment and may there be many, many more.

16-year reddit user of much the same mind. I was a Sync user, but whatever one's app of choice, if reddit is going to tell us we can't use it, which is basically what they've done, they can get fucked.

11.5 year user migrating today from RIF as well. This is also my first comment here! It's a sad day, but new horizons are ahead

I'll add the obligatory farewell to RIF - "the app I was happy to pay for". This seems like an interesting alternative - I hope the back end is up for it! I won't be going back to Reddit on principle.

I already have porn popping up on my feed here and there.

Oh boy, tomorrow I will wake up to the best ā€œtold you soā€ moment ever.

Yeah I had a few of them but they disappeared again

I also keep seeing a pretty girls sub from lemmynsfw instance that is sfw fortunately

If I end up seeing porn I'm going to end up blocking the lemmynsfw instance community because I only want to see porn on an alt account specifically for that

Edit: corrected error because I misremebered "community" as "instance", and of course the markdown isn't working

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Honored to be here. Hopefully the scaling issues Lemmy might run into isn't too much.

Lemmy as a whole will probably take it. might have issues because it might melt down and the private instances with an approval process like beehaw will just ignore it since their manual application queue can't handle it.

You might be surprised, the usershare breakdown of Lemmy is pretty darn decent

True, still makes up ~1/3 of the pie, but even if it goes hard-down, that still means that the majority of Lemmy will remain online & functional. It's important to note that each instance stores a copy of external posts & comments, so brief outages might not even visibly affect users from other instances who subscribe to content.

Also, FWIW: is run by experienced operators who've previously weathered the Mastodon surge. As far as bulletsponge instances go, is probably the best candidate we could have hoped for considering how grassroots this all still is.

another RIF user checking in. Good to have a place to come to. Let's hope this turns into something really good

*ladies and gentlemen, this isnā€™t reddit pal!

I can't even load comments on this post. Who knows if anyone can even read what I'm writing now lol.

It's happening! This is what a DDOS attack peak performance looks like.

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It's going to be fun see even the apps that remain no longer being served porn. They're repating the tumblr idiocy. But I understand it's because it's for their planned IPO and investors dislike that stuff.

For some of us the final day was weeks ago. Itā€™s time to let go and focus on what you have. Why are we all still obsessing over ducking Reddit. Itā€™s over. Done.

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Rest in peace beautiful RIF šŸ˜„ 10+ years went by quickly! Time for new adventures now with both old and hopefully new family at Lemmy!

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Change is good. I'm looking forward to the fresh take Lemmy will have.

Started on RiF but changed to Boost. I'd say I was angry Reddit is doing this but honestly I'm just sad this is how it ends up.

I wonder how many people who didn't understand Reddit that well and just used it to scroll r/aww just woke up to disabled third party apps one day and figure that Reddit went under. I have to imagine they lost less internet literate users.

First comment. Looking forward to the new(ish) community full of familiar faces.

I have a weird request to the other Redfugees: I had considered going through and nuking my entire post history for all of my accounts. But then I realized that a lot of the advice that I've given on /linux and /python would be lost. I'm not a master at either, but I like to think that I've helped people out.

So before deleting everything as a (justified!) middle finger to a terrible CEO, take into account that what you've written is a part of a tapestry of internet history. 99.99% is trite. But you never know what future generations will find interesting or useful.

Just my $0.02.

I already nuked mine, and it was loads of tutorials/helpful comments. That was the most tangible way I could f them over. I also deleted images on other sites that explained things so that even if they restore my comments and posts like they have been doing (5 times so far) nothing of value will be gained. They fucked around, and hopefully they are gonna find out.

Thats the reason I am hesitating on deleting all my stuff.

Some of the tips I have given for tech support for stuff over the years, while pretty much only has been useful to a small number of people, will no longer be accessible. Anyone googling in the future or trawling through reddit threads trying to find an answer will be met by my answer and a guy replying "Thanks! That worked" but my comment would be deleted.

I know that would suck and would affect other users so im not sure I want to do it. Even if it meant helping one person

Holy shit this is about to be the top post for the instance, welcome, everyone who's new!!! be sure to check the Communities page for World.

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lemmy may have growth pains, but I don't expect reddit exit to be a crash more than a slow burn.

Hiya, another Reddit refugee here, pleased to join you fine folk.

Man, if you told me a couple months ago, that I would stop using Reddit, I wouldn't believe you. I've been on it over a decade. It took Spez ONE MONTH to undo everything and make that a reality.

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Former RIF user, sad to see the app go, finna go drink a toast to it, and also going to go help with the downfall of reddit, but I'm happy to be here.

Yeah I had downloaded Lemmy/Jerboa a few weeks ago but didn't stick to it cause RIF was working. As soon as it 429'd I came here, and I'll just stay here from now on.

Rip RIF. Still figuring things out, really looking forward to the old internet vibe

Gentlemen, Ladies, it's been an honour. Time to go down with the ship....

Former Boost user happy with the new home. Also, Boost is being ported to Lemmy :)

i kinda doubt that there will be hordes joining Lemmy. Most who cares already migrated

Honestly I held out hope that things would work out with Redditā€”I don't have a lot of patience for learning new platforms rn. But I opened rif today and realized I didn't have a choice any more. I'm sure I'm not the only person this resistant to change.

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10 years on RIF and Apollo... but this here feels great. Glad to have such a nice alternative without the baggage

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Hello, coming from Infinity for Reddit! (still working btw)

i'm doubting there will be a large exodus... why wouldn't they be here already?

There will be some but I doubt that it will be huge enough for Reddit to care. People will use their app, generate ad money. People willing to have ads in their experience probably have a higher tolerance for low quality posts, so any moderation changes likely won't be killer. That's my pessimistic take.

I think the moderation changes will affect even the most apathetic user in the end. I'm already seeing some of my subs start locking threads more readily instead of trying to keep the discussion going. If that becomes the norm, the value of Reddit from both a business and user perspective will take a serious hit.

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It took me a while to find the energy to move over to here. I still haven't gone to look for a lot of the equivalent communities that I had on Reddit. Frankly I am still using Apollo as if nothing has changed, despite knowing it will stop working hours from now. I reckon there are plenty of people who need the actual impetus from it stopping working to actually change over to an alternative.

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So just got on using the memmy app. Made it super simple to join which I feel will really help this grow as the less tech savvy will be able to join.

I really hope it doesnā€™t crash too hard because Iā€™m just getting getting started

Abandoned the Reddit ship when RIF went down. It's sad to see something go I've been using for the better part of 15 years. But, new things will take its place and reddit will probably die bc of their stubborn greed.

Reddit was a fucking garbage dump and I am glad it's finally going to be dead. Long live literally any new social media platform so long as it doesn't engender a culture of nastiness, vitriol and hate.

Reddit is just mad they made a better UX then they did. I mean...they freaking bought alien blue....and threw it in the trash.

Sync for reddit brought me here. Bye Reddit Heyo Lemmy