
2 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Troy Hunt, the Have I Been Pwned person, has a very informative analysis of the breach that was not a breach, turns out nothing actually "leaked" from Linkedin, it's a mix of scrapped and generated stuff

I keep feeling that there's a disaster being brewed there, the only people paying attention to young boys seems to be the alt right, and there's a need for this which everybody seems to dismiss, every single one of the old style support structures for masculinity have been dismantled over decades, and while they were right to be dismantled all these boys still need the support to actually grow into decent people, and no one is giving it, and these crazies have noticed and are using it as breeding ground for soldiers for their cause. The decent people side must create something for them even if it's to avoid them falling into these dens of craziness.

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Here's a post from 2021 about this person giving some background. I recall even a change.org petition requesting them being banned.

Also, you might recall them for making the news recently after banning an artist from /r/art because they said a piece by them was made by AI, and when proven otherwise they said that it was obviously based on AI and that they should find a better style, which escalated to the point that the sub was temporarily closed

Seeing that person going down is a nice piece of justice in this shitstorm. It happened for the wrong reasons, admins should have removed this person long ago and didn't, but at least it's something.

You're expecting something like the Digg to Reddit mass emigration. That likely will never happen again, the conditions for that are gone. What's happening is what i predicted for years, people are moving away from the site but not going to a single "replacement" place as there's just nothing like it, but to many. Be it the Fediverse, Discord, Facebook and related properties, various chats, even forums and freaking IRC.

And it's also clear it's not going to be a single massive exodus, but a slow decay over a long time. The site will still be alive ten years from now, like Livejournal and other relics of the past are still technically alive, but will slowly fade from relevance.

And one important thing: Sites like that depend on a few users, the so-called 90-9-1 rule explains it well, only a tiny, tiny percentage of users of the site produce the content it needs to survive, and they're precisely the ones the administration pissed off. And not only that, but it depends on the moderators, without them the site would devolve to a sewer in no time, and they too have been shafted by the administration. A good portion of them have left the site for good, and the hit will be perceived in time, as they cannot be replaced easily.

Everything that made the site good is dying or dead, let it die, or just survive as a zombie. It will become a cesspool of reposts, recycled content and garbage, and any user that creates good content that still remains there will eventually leave at seeing what the site will turn into.

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"Give me your vector, Victor"

"Gimme clearance, Clarence"




This is by the ChatGPT guy himself, all the rest of the crypto world is pretty much in flames

I hope this breaks the games on Deck so that people notice

Your password is stolen you can change it. Try changing your eyeballs when somebody impersonates you.

This is by no means a vital service, but Imgur. Not the image hosting part itself, although the multiple self-hosted alternatives available are mostly aimed at photographs and surprisingly very few if any to memes and reactions for chats, forums and social media. On the other hand, the particular use case of sharing memes and meme dumps is not being fulfilled by anything else at the moment. Go to Imgur even on it's current sorry decayed state and at any time you'll find multiple people sharing image galleries, usually of up to 50 memes at a time, sometimes more. Lemmy, Mastodon and Discord servers try to fill that gap but right now they can't.

I honestly don't know why Christian hasn't sued Reddit and Spez for a bunch of money, the evidence has been in the open for days

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For the needs of "degoogled but fully functional Android OS" these days at the end of 2023, the options are LineageOS for most phones, GrapheneOS on a Pixel, and that's it? Or are there more projects at this point?

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In EU at least they're required by law to have working unsubscribe links that actually unsubscribe you, otherwise they risk getting huge fines, i understand that in California things are not too far from this but no idea about the details

Any background on why he didn't say the speech?

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Dude had an anonymous birdsite account with about a dozen followers, all they did was retweet stuff critical of the government, and somehow the government identified him and sentenced him to death over this. How did they find this info? Twitter outright gave it to them, therefore they became accomplices in a death.

Seems to be VERY tech related.

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It's been freaking AGES since i last watched this, i should do it again to see what new things i catch this time, i suspect that even after this long there's still stuff i haven't caught with so damn much detail and reference density per second

Last i saw, the physical media version of their recent shows came with a box and a code to get it online, not actual discs, so they're effectively getting out of the business of letting you own your media

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I insist, we need a nomadic identities thing on Fedi, you create your user in one instance and now you can log in on any federated server on any of the ActivityPub services, maybe that Zot protocol thing or something on those lines

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Already deleted my 17 years old account and nuked all it's comments, plus a couple secondary accounts, not going back there

Clippy Reborn!

Probably, yes, the site is up but no one has touched it since the disaster

Lemmy and Kbin are hopefully gonna grow and become better than Reddit has ever been, but they're not there yet and will be a while before it happens. Specifically, moderation tools in both platforms are reportedly weak at the moment, with a long list of features yet to be implemented. So while i do want the so-called Threadiverse growing, if you're in a moderating hotspot as your post mentions, you might wanna consider this detail and check if the current tools as present are good enough or not, it might be enough for your needs with what exists already but frankly the subs I've modded have been tiny and i don't have the mental model to tell you if they are already.

I too urge you to not choose Discord for this community for all the reasons stated. Plus it's the wrong tool for the job, it's "chat", not "forums", it's by it's nature impermanent and for ephemeral conversation. Hell, a good old forum will be miles better than Discord for this.

Holy crap this is an image I hadn't seen in ages! 😃

No, no, the seeds of the site's downfall have been planted by the administration, you gotta remember these sites depend on a tiny amount of power posters, not to mention the moderator contingent, which they pissed off. Not all migrated away, but enough did to hurt the quality of the site, and any that remain will remember. They HAVE lost a lot and haven't noticed yet. Sites that big will not fall in a day, it will be alive a decade from now, like Livejournal or Slashdot are still alive.

Persistent apps running in the background. One constant complaint many have is background apps that should be left alone killed by battery-saving stuff. One of the ways to prevent this from happening that devs have used is persistent notifications. Killing this option fucks up lots of apps that are supposed to run in the background. I guess i'll stay away from Android 14 for now.

It very much feels like early Reddit, i do hope for more content but honestly don't really want it to grow as much as Reddit did and thus become like it

Damn that went dark

But it's not, they're not doing actual piracy there, they're talking about it, and that's very much not illegal

It IS intentionally down, post by the admins

It's exactly that same kind of person

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

Seems to me that everyone with this opinion lives on Lemmy.world and peeps in other instances or on Kbin see something different, not sure why that happens

I'm way too pessimist to believe that IPO won't succeed, the world isn't fair and bad guys do win...

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Just tried to create an account on fedia.io, which is the biggest of the mbin instances (at just about a bit above 4K users, so not THAT much), and it just could NOT take the registration, all i get is "429 Too Many Requests", after multiple tries. I suspect that says the instance is woefully underpowered for the traffic it's handling

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But that's what the marketers are selling, "this will replace a lot of workers!" and it just cannot

I really should catch up with Shortpacked, haven't read it in a decade

Somebody above quoted an old ModSupport post that said there were over 70K moderators, and that was on 2017, without the free mods Reddit will just not be able to replace them at all

The real question is how many power users and moderators left, the first are the ones that produce the most content, the second are the ones that prevent the place turning into a shithole. If an important fraction of those left, it WILL impact the site.

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