Reddit users lost? to No Stupid – 356 points –

Do we at this point have any substantial data on just how many users Reddit actually lost due to this?

Any resources would be greatly appreciated.

As a sidenote, I'll add that they certainly lost my account the second I couldn't use RiF anymore.


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The real question is how many power users and moderators left, the first are the ones that produce the most content, the second are the ones that prevent the place turning into a shithole. If an important fraction of those left, it WILL impact the site.

Precisely, the importance is if the mods stick around or not.

One sub I was in the Mod basically said a few weeks ago 'I've had it with this, no offense guys but just run it how you want from now on'I'm retiring'. The users didn't turn it into a protest sub but somehow it's worse than that because it's repetitive and boring.

So there's a few old hands sticking around but I doubt there'll be new people joining it. And I think that will be true for a lot of unmoderated subs, they won't all get full of porn and spam, they'll just become much less interesting

Out of the hundreds of millions of redditors i'm sure some people will pick up the slack of content creation and moderation. Now will they do a good enough job ? I don't know, i bet spez is betting they will, but only time will tell.