3 Post – 60 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

do you think he means me?

yeah I enjoyed it too, a couple of different friends mentioned it being funny I don't know anyone that was upset about it.

probably just another article about some random vocal minority complaining

1070ti gang here. no problems playing anything on medium/high.

I don't do 4k though but VR is fine.

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at my old company I had a co-worker who was moderately competent if he tried but didn't seem to do so all that often.

My boss had been dangling a promotion for me for a few months, and I'd put in some extra work during that time related to my co-worker who seemed to be unable to manage a development team for one of his projects.

promotion time came and even though my manager was very aware that I was doing a significant portion of a co-worker's job, they offered the co-worker the promotion in order to keep them around since they had another job offer.

I think I was gone in about 2 months? didn't take too long to line something better up.

I definitely spent a frustrated 45 minutes trying to figure out why curl wasn't working when it was supposed to be supported in PowerShell.

then I hit tab a couple of times and noticed curl.exe was an option, that works exactly the same as I had expected with original syntax.

they do this to a lot of things though a lot of common commands end up being an alias to a powershell command with a specific option set that doesn't always line up

oh great I'm sure the training for this will not result in a bunch of things getting "reviewed" and no one being responsible for mistakes at all...

it's funny because this reads like something exaggerating for effect, but anyone in this kind of position knows that it's not.

because salaries would have to go up and we all know that won't happen lol

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it always just makes me feel kind of sad and awkward

like sometimes my wife will get off the phone after having some long and serious seeming conversation with a friend of hers and thank me like it's some big accomplishment for basic things like doing the dishes and spending time with our kids.

The bar is low guys we got to step this shit up.

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I love mine I haven't changed it in years lol

drop it like it's hot spot

I use awk all the time. a very common and probably simplest reason I use it is it's ability to handle variable column locations for data.

if you know you always want the last field you can do something like

awk '{print $NF}'

but usually using it as for performing more advanced operations all in one go without having to pipe something three times.

sure you can do grep cut grep printf, but you can instead do the pattern matching, the field, the formatting, whatever you need to all in one place.

it's also got a bunch of more advanced usage of course since it's its own language. one of my favorite advanced one liners is one that will recognize if it is going to print a duplicate line anywhere in your output and prevent it. in cases where you don't want to sort your output but you also want to remove duplicates it is extremely helpful and quick rather than running post-processing on the output in another way.

all that said main reason I use it is because I know it and it's fast, there's nothing you can do in awk that you can't do in Python or whatever else you're more comfortable with. The best tool for the job is the one that gets it done quickly and accurately. unless your environment is limited and it prevents the installation of tools you're more familiar with then there's no real reason to use this over Python.

there's literally dozens of us!

or maybe just 2 idk

I need to know where you got that awesome picture for my cosmic horror TTRPG sessions lol

holy shit that is perfect lol

I gotta say while I'm not happy with Texas decisions and there's a lot of bs there it doesn't seem even as bad as Florida much less Alabama and Mississippi.

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so many, I've been on a muse and imagine dragons binge lately.

but instead of mentioning them much, I'm going to say one that caught me by surprise. Heard my wife's music in the background the other day and this quote stuck in my head:

"you kept me like a secret but I kept you like an oath"

just thought it was an excellent turn of phrase. turns out it was Taylor Swift lol.

honestly any insect that primarily feeds on blood would be good to go.

  • mosquitoes
  • bed bugs
  • tics
  • fleas

screw all of those things

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look I know there's more important things going on here but did they photo shop his hands smaller or is this just an odd angle or wtf is going on

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gotta agree on event horizon, I loved scary movies but that one was something else.

I guess I don't understand that point of view, not only doesn't that make life easier for us but it also makes it actively worse for them and for the relationships they're involved in if they are not engaging as a real partner.

why would I wish that on someone else?

did anyone else play bonks adventure

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I half remember being told this originally came from bonehead. so like a bonehead would make a mistake like that. which then got shortened to boner.

toilet paper

Rock and Stone!

yeah I mean I would consider myself left of most of the Democratic party but you can take a look at their weightings on the metrics they used and you can see why they got the answer they did even if we'd quibble about specific state placement.

cost of doing business and business friendliness collectively makeup 20% of their weighting and cost of living and education only make up 7% total.

seems like on a list that focuses on inclusivity that they would also focus on basic needs for families but for some reason they valued basic needs for businesses at 3x families.

overall, I think in order to trust this list, I would need to lower focus on businesses and increase focus on things such as education and immigration. Texas would do poorly in both of those things but so would a lot of other states. I definitely believe it deserves a place on this list, but I don't think it would end up #1.

they're methodology summary:

  • Workforce (400 points – 16%)
  • Infrastructure (390 points – 15.6%)
  • Economy (360 points – 14.4%)
  • Life, Health & Inclusion (350 points – 14%)
  • Cost of Doing Business (290 points – 11.6%)
  • Technology & Innovation (270 points – 10.8%)
  • Business Friendliness (215 points – 8.6%)
  • Education (125 points – 5%)
  • Access to Capital (50 points – 2%)
  • Cost of Living (50 points – 2%)

I mean that's happening right now lol

do you mean negative reinforcement?

it's like a grid right

  • positive = add
  • negative = remove
  • reinforcement = good thing
  • punishment = bad thing

so things that we want:

  • positive reinforcement = add good thing
  • negative punishment= remove bad thing

things we don't want

  • negative reinforcement= remove good thing
  • positive punishment= add bad thing
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lol you don't have to out yourself like that bud, I'm sure you'll get past the shallow stage of a relationship eventually.

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honestly doesn't it seem like this change of direction is him listening? Even weeks ago I would have never thought I would have heard the words ceasefire out of his mouth.

to me this seems like a direct response of the message people sent to him with the Michigan primary and I am happy to see it.

doesn't mean I'm happy with what he's done so far or even that he has not immediately taken direct action but this is a pivot and failing to acknowledge it weakens protest actions like this in the future.

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by the sound of it me too hahaha. idk why you wanna claim bud for guys but you have a good one ma'am

honestly I got one of these and ended up going back to brushing my tongue. maybe I am like more thoroughly brushing my tongue than other people or something but it never was as clean from a tongue scraper as from brushing

ah that's right, been a while since sociology courses lol


Kung Fu Jesus regains his memories and realizes he needs to beat up his girlfriend in order to stop her stupid fat pet from eating too much.

yeah I've got 400 hours into the phone version alone lol. I'm stoked

okay but if you only fight along a line it seems like this'll be quick

was about to comment and mention how much I agreed about Muse and then I looked at the rest of your bands and I just can't leave anything out. 100%.

basically a better newer Kinect for my kids. something that'd let them dance or play or see themselves in the game without a controller

sausage sausage hash hash oj

been playing West of loathing and shadows over loathing lately. Fun and stupid, nice to be able to play them on deck