Be honest: if you had the power to stop time, your morals would go out the window. to Ask – 248 points –

Pretty much the title. I've been watching more realistic super hero shows like The Boys and Invincible. The reoccurring themes is that with great power comes great immorality.

I think it's easy for us normies to respect other people and their property because there are clear consequences for violating social norms. But what would the average person do if they had super powers?


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There is so much that I would want to do that requires time to be "flowing"..

If we're talking about physics-accurate superpowers, please add partial blindness - photons are frozen in place, they can't reach your eyelids, unless you walk into them. And suffocation due to completely still air.

And ... now you can't even nap in peace 😐.

On second thought I'd probably just troll the French by moving them to the bottom of flights of stairs after they've walked up.

Photons move at the speed of light relative to the observer, regardless of the observer's speed.

If we're going physics-accurate, you wouldn't be blind, though you'd probably be a black hole (for a very brief time, before you evaporated due to Hawking radiation).