
1 Post – 73 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yes the compiler/interpreter can figure it out on the fly, that's what we mean by untyped languages.

Are there untyped languages? You probably meant 'dynamically typed languages'.

But even statically typed languages can figure out most types for you from the context - it's called 'type inference'.

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Just tell me actual errors like a professional OS would.

Professional OS:

I would accept discord/irc over mailing list. But nothing beats a proper forum website.
And no, subreddit is not a proper forum.

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This worked for me, but for OP: don't forget to enable it back on after login. It's not required to watch Twitch, only for 'the first' login.

Why I hate snaps/flatpak:

  • 1
    • package/appimage ~80mb
    • snap/flatpak >500mb
  • 2
    • p/a - app + dependencies
    • s/f - app + minimal linux distribution
  • 3
    • p/a - can be easily run from terminal
    • s/f - flatpak run com.very.easy.to.remember.and.type.name
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I love every single game these guys make, but World of Goo is definitely in my top 10 games of all time.
I can't even believe they're making a sequel. It's the dream comes true.
Going to replay the original in 100th time.

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I thought about this for some time. An anarchy would always collapse into governed state.

First, imagine the perfect scenario where there no authority and world is just a lot of tiny city-sized communities. It would take just a single bad actor to form a state, start invading neighboring communities and growing in power. In response - other communities would be forced to group into increasingly bigger states to have a chance to oppose influence from bigger/richer states.

This thought experiment also works if violent takeover is replaced by economic one. Think of cartels and monopolies.

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Free gravel it is 😒. Why would someone make a quiz with no choice ?!

I don't believe it's only chrome's problem. I've noticed that firefox tends to lock all available memory to himself and whenever I need it, bastard just reallocates it into swap, making whole system laggy and slow.

So.... I've got my foxy friend into a Ram jail for being too hungry:
systemd-run --scope -p MemoryMax=1G --user firefox

God, I love linux!

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They have two options: either hire someone and pay them to mod subreddits or open positions to (even more then currently) unreliable powertripping users who will destroy the platform.
I'm fine with both options. I'm not going back, btw.

Iirc, you can't log into Mastadon with a lemmy account, but there should be a way to follow a mastodon account from a lemmy instance. Never tried it, though.

Edit: Apparently, it's not possible either. Mastodon users can follow lemmy communities, but not the other way around. 😔

Try libredirect, it automatically redirects links from twitter, youtube, imgur and many other spying platforms to alternative privacy friendly frontends. It is also very customizable: you can turn only some redirects and configure what particular site to use for each platform.

Actually, Librewolf team set up recently a poll "should we move to Codeberg?". And this was one of the reasons for migrating.

P.S. other privacy/convenience issues with gitlab:

  • gitlab.com seems to require credit card information for new users signing up, which is not really great if people just want to report bugs.
  • gitlab.com uses Cloudflare, which for a few weeks locked out LibreWolf users from accessing gitlab.com in the past.
  • GitLab requires Javascript even to just look at issues, which is not the case for Codeberg

P.P.S. They did move their codebase to Codeberg as a result.

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There've been protests, riots, violent acts of protest at draft centers. This just doesn't get as much coverage as Putin's or US propaganda.

It's not that masses not disgruntled enough. It's just almost nothing people can do to stop the war. Would you do something stupid and worthless, when even a social media post can and will cost you portion of your life in prison?

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There's a separate syntax for quotes in markdown:

> This is a quote.
whole paragraph is still a quote with a single '>'
and even newlines are preserved and long lines are perfectly soft-wrapped, isn't it useful?
> empty lines should have '>' if they're part of quote

> this is a separate quote, because line above doesn't have '>'

This is a quote. whole paragraph is still a quote with a single '>' and even newlines are preserved and long lines are perfectly soft-wrapped, isn't it useful?

empty lines should have '>' if they're part of quote

this is a separate quote, because line above doesn't have '>'

Most languages have decimal libraries to correctly handle floating point arithmetics, where precision is necessary.

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No way.... I remember seeing this comment ~10 years ago. I've been trying to search for it occasionally through past 5 years. I didn't remember the guy's nickname, only the concept and that it's Youtube's 'constant/rule'. Couldn't find even a mention anywhere. I legit thought I made it up or it's the Mandela effect.

Thank you! I can now live in piece.

I mean, they're not wrong. But it's not tiktok, it's almost all social media and consequently, 99% of the internet.

The Radio, like the whole thing. They always loop the same 5 songs for decades. It's maddening.

No, next one is obviously the transparent alpha version to complete "RGBA".

1 - bloat
2 - click-bait title

He might do like 2-5 deliveries per trip if they align.

In russian we have a phrase "грибной дождь" (mushroom rain) for light warm rain in the sunshine.

It's the best weather for mushroom growth and is therefore a sign to go harvest them in the woods soon.

Look at how his left hand is 'attached' to the body, almost like an action toy figure.

Pretty sure AI has higher res.

Lots of compression is very common way to hide imperfections in photoshopped (and now AI-generated) images to pass them as real.


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as yet

Nim is cool. Easy to read python-like syntax, strongly typed, compiles (not transpiles) to C, so you can use common C tools like valgrind, gdb, musl, etc.
Small footprint, devel version supports deterministic gc (arc/orc).
One of the greatest interops with C, C++ or JS (C and JS are not mixable, obviously)

I've only used Nim in hobby/toy projects, but it was very pleasant experience.

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There is so much that I would want to do that requires time to be "flowing"..

If we're talking about physics-accurate superpowers, please add partial blindness - photons are frozen in place, they can't reach your eyelids, unless you walk into them. And suffocation due to completely still air.

And ... now you can't even nap in peace 😐.

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only a small number will sign up for a specific forum

Most people don't have to sign-up, 90% of cases should resolve on just searching the problem. Good chances it was already asked and answered.
Most of the time, forums with few users aren't dead, they're just really slow, whenever you post a question - expect at least 12-hour delay. I've never seen a message on Discord answered 12 hours later - you either get somewhat instant response or it's ghosted forever. Also good luck asking questions if there's heated/rapid discussion in the room, or you have a little time and other responsibilities other than checking discord every couple minutes.

From what I remember, they require a credit card info for people outside of US. Here's my sign up screen with Netherlands VPN:

To be fair, it's also missing open_dialog_file, dialog_open_file and most crucially file_open_dialog

IMO, go's gopher is ugly, not cute. But, anyway, there are better reasons not to learn Go.

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Not a language per se, but subsets of languages used for fantasy consoles usually do not implement import functionality. TIC-80, PICO-8, etc. etc. WIKI I wouldn't call that a feature, but it drives you to write less and more space-optimized code.
Now that I think about it, source code size could be a feature in itself, look at codeGolf-oriented esolangs:

  • Pyth
  • CJam
  • GolfScript
  • Microscript/Microscript II
  • Seriously
  • Rotor
  • Minkolang
  • Gaia
  • Jelly
  • 05AB1E
  • japt
  • and more...

Half of the linux ecosystem is personal projects.
Linux itself started as

just a hobby, won't be big and professional like gnu

It's not useless as you can learn from it.

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Whose eyes are those eyes?

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Tip: instead of making schedules, try to build habits.

Start with something small and make an effort to do it every single day for a month or every day of the week for three months.

The hardest part is to be consistent, so try to not skip more than one day.

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it's a marketing stunt not a logic-related problem

Luigi goes back in time to the day 10. Parallel universe is created.

Or better yet, use z or zoxide:
"z down" will fuzzy match the "~/Download" folder.

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It's also a good filter for useful videos vs 'content'.