Glaucus Linux - simple and lightweight distribution based on musl and toybox. to – 46 points –

Probably a long way from being daily-driven, but I really love the idea.
Interview with creator:


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Half of the linux ecosystem is personal projects.
Linux itself started as

just a hobby, won't be big and professional like gnu

It's not useless as you can learn from it.

The reason Linux is such a big deal is that it was the one of dozens that didn't fail. This is ignorable.

"People laughed at Einstein, they also laughed at bozo the clown."

By your logic, you cannot dismiss the project for being a personal one. Only if it fails, is it dismissable.

I can do whatever I want. And odds are very good this is a fly-by-night personal project that goes nowhere.

Didn't say you can't whatever you want. I said "by your logic". That was assuming you don't contradict your own logic, but of course you can otherwise :)

Okay - so here's the thing. You want to play stupid word games you can play stupid word games. There's a 99% chance I never hear of this stupid project again. It has nothing interesting going for it and is supported by exactly one developer.

Sure - lightning may strike twice and this becomes the next "big thing". But the chance is so remote as to be zero. So yes - it's a personal project that you can ignore.