More than 75% of web3 games failed to – 105 points –

I am actually shocked that 25% of those shitcoin "games" didn't fail


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when you pair finances (a realm filled with scams and con artists) to gamers (people who are notoriously more gullible than the average person) then it's not a great mix.

"You can make real money by playing this game" is genuinely one of the oldest scams on the internet, like at all. And gamers keep falling for it.

To be fair, you could make real money by playing games… if you were a gold farmer or an account seller

or by actually being good and play it professionally.

Tbh I keep forgetting we live in a reality where that’s a thing

Also, if you’re popular enough on Twitch or YouTube you can make money playing games and hot tub streams

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