Cruz introduces bill to limit using preferred names, pronouns; critics note he uses a preferred name to politics – 708 points –

Sen. Ted Cruz has introduced a bill that would limit the use of preferred names by trans people.
The irony, critics point out? The senator, whose legal name is Rafael Edward Cruz, uses a preferred name himself: Ted.


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This is not a good thing.

  1. It shows people it's okay to misgender someone you don't like

  2. It won't feel bad for him. For him it's a joke that doesn't do any harm. For trans people getting misgendered is life and can deeply hurt

It also semi consciously feeds into the misogynistic trope of calling/implying that men are feminine as an insult. It's just a bad look all around

It's not as a joke, I'm serious. The implication is that he's a trans-man and should have to prove otherwise to every individual he meets if he wants to use his preferred pronouns. Let Cruz eat his own dog food.