Is there any feedback of the current blackout? Feels like everything will be over soon and it's going on like before. to – 3 points –

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They're currently gathering subreddits for an indefinite blackout:

In which Reddit will eject the mods and turn them back on

I really appreciate how reasonable (IMO) the demands are in the stickied comment in that thread.

Honestly it would be a good business move to accept those terms exactly as presented in that stickied comment. Nothing unreasonable is being suggested there.

Those comments though, wow. There are a whole lot of people who don't understand anything about this and blame the mods and app developers. And we're all over here on Lemmy instead of correcting them.

That's the problem with leaving out of protest. The predominant voices on Reddit will be the ones who don't leave. It will become the popular opinion that Reddit is in the right. We can't control that. We just have to know that we are doing what's right for us and move on to better things

Thank you for posting that, really happy to see so many subs supporting the effort. Hope more will join too but regardless of the outcome, I think I'm staying on lemmy, the interactions here feel different than those on reddit and I enjoy that

Thank you for linking this. Glad to see so many subs continuing indefinitely.

Did you see the comment about r/adviceanimals and r/Tumblr have been forced public by Reddit?

Edit: Anecdotal comment states r/Tumblr had all of its mods leave and was forced public.