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Joined 1 years ago

Isn't app development a recurring cost? It's not like you just work on it for a bit and just forget about it once you got a version out. Especially if it's using a service (lemmy) that is still in development and is constantly changing.

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But if you're worried about locale, you can't assume people use the string "Saturday" to describe Saturday either. That solution only works in English.

With ublock origin I haven't encountered popups for weeks. They update pretty much every day to keep on top of the YouTube changes.

The only time I really got popups was when another extention I had was making ad changing modifications to YouTube which I didn't realize at that time.

Dude, I have YouTube music and I literally am not able to change or upgrade to YouTube premium. They don't let me, it links me to a useless empty page with no options. I don't even know what the price is like. This whole subscription thing is a mess.

I solved it by using YouTube revanced and have all premium functions and more. On desktop I wrote my own player. It's so much better because their website is a mess. At this point do I really want to pay for features I know I won't use?

That only works if you're using the website. I'm in sync and just want it to open in the YouTube app.

I don't know about it. Look even at the usernames. It's @name@instance.addr, it's structured like an email. Even for instances, /c/piracy is not a thing, it is ! in Lemmy world. Even Mastadon has the same structure of name@instance.

Every community has their own sets of rules, own set of moderators and culture. If you don't like how one is moderated, go to another one (basically how reddit works too, except there you need to change to name to make an alternate community)

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Might I point out the reason why people might react so offended by it? You have your opinions. And that is fine. Nobody can tell you your opinions are invalid. But if you look back to your message, your opinions are stated as hard facts:

They’re often very loud

they demand your attention constantly

they’re always in your space

Dogs are just exhausting.

I understand what you mean with this. But it kind of reads similar to someone saying something like "All Americans are dumb". And then when everyone gets offended by it they be like "It's just my opinion, why is everyone angry at me?". And of course people get angry, You get all the responses from people who have an American friend, and THAT person isn't dumb! So of course your facts are invalid!

Anyway. Not a dig at you in any way. Thought I'd just let you know how it reads.

So basically a fancy hashing algorithm to get the same password for the same information you give it. Neat idea but I am not convinced yet.

If your Spectre secret gets somehow leaked (and your full name could easily be found), that's immediately all your current and future passwords leaked. Now, this would in theory also be a problem with regular password managers that live in the cloud. Though smart ones hopefully add 2FA or similar before they let their users log in. For offline password managers the hacker would need your secret + database to get your password. That's a lot harder. Spectre takes one of those items away, because the 'database' is their algorithm which literally runs on their webpage. All they need is a single password.

What if a site you use leaks your password and you have to change your password for that site only? Spectre won't help you with that, as it will still give you the (burned) password. So you manually have to remember which sites use Spectre for passwords and which ones don't.

Have any services that have been provided to you with a set password you can't change (eg: some service your job uses), Spectre won't help you with this as it won't hold any custom passwords. Have any weird services that requires a specific length and/or forbidden characters Spectre does? Good luck, Spectre can't help you here either. It's not a password manager.

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They have two layers. In the summer you want to brush out the insulting undercoat, but leave the topcoat as it protects against sunlight. A shaved husky will overheat in the sun and can easily get skin cancer! It also doesn't grow back properly. The husky in this picture will never have a normal coat again as it has his fur ruined for the rest of his life.

There isn't any valid medical reason that requires to shave a husky entirely. Only people who don't understand how their coat work do it. It is basically animal abuse and it makes me sad every time I see this picture.

I'm not the person you're replying to but I have a fun answer for how I did it before I moved to password managers.

I used to have just a single password, normal-ish password. Reasonable length, some numbers in there, random caps. But in order for me to have unique passwords on every site without losing track of all the passwords, I added the first and last letter of the name of the service at a specific point inside the password. My password was cryptic enough that if you would see it you wouldn't immediately notice it. But for me it meant I had a single strong password that was easy to remember and unique for every service.

I'm still kind of proud of that one, even though I don't use that method anymore.

I know that feeling lol.

I have a love/hate relationship with my Google speaker. Some examples that have happened:

"Hey google, set the temperature to 21 degrees"

google: "Sure. Setting the heater to 71 degrees!"


me: hey google, start a timer for ten minutes

google: okay, starting a 10 minute timer

me: perfect

google: okay, consider it cancelled

me: ...

I get that on hot after only 5 posts. Everything after that is a minimum of 1 year old, and only the first 3-5 post are recent. It's kinda funny reading the comments on those posts as there are a lot of lost people commenting on it right now, thinking it's something recent.

In practice it can be anything though. It just gets thrown in one of the hashing functions. They way they describe it:

user-key = SCRYPT( user-name, user-secret )

site-key = HMAC-SHA-256( site-name . site-counter, user-key )

site-password = PW( site-template, site-key )

Which is kinda interesting, they mention site-counter and site-template. The counter indicates you can set it to a different value to get a different password for that site. But then obviously every time you want to recall that password, you have to set the site counter correctly. I guess the app will remember this, but the web version obviously doesn't. But the gimmick is that it doesn't store anything, but it seems for the app to work it does need to store the settings to generate your password.

And also there is a site-template, which seems to hold various ways to generate passwords. Long, medium, short, pin, etc etc. With or without special symbols. It even mentions 'saved personal password' so I guess it can save custom passwords? Hopefully encrypted though.

That sorta addresses the concerns I have. But obviously that means you need the app, the website doesn't do all those extra things. And if you loose the app you loose your custom site counter and template.

Also, the CLI version seems to happily store the username and secret on your pc? Or at least lets you read it from a file, so...

(I haven't actually used the app, just going through some docs and source code here)

I love that idea, and I'd love to implement that. But I honestly can never figure out how people are working with service that enables the user to change settings (for example, to set their location to get their local weather) while still maintaining a read-only system.

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Regarding not being able to make new communities: We're all federated. What's wrong with making a community on a different instance with your account?

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See my response a few comments down this thread. I found the counter and password-template too. I don't have an iphone so I can't test the app, but I very much think this app stores the 'settings' (counter, template) to generate the password. Based on what the api and CLI can do.... it has to, surely. It also has the ability to retrieve a custom password.

Of course the webapp in the link doesn't do all of that. You're stuck with 1 password in 1 format. Unless you change your secret and then all your passwords change.

They're currently gathering subreddits for an indefinite blackout:

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I understand you. I also don't use the auto upload feature as it's creating more problems for me to solve than what it fixes. I already had Syncthing running anyway so I currently use that combo (except I manually sort through my photos on a semi-weekly basis before I upload it to Immich).

If you want, I can cook up a little Python script you could stick into Cron to do all the tasks you described. I haven't worked with the Immich CLI yet but I'm sure I can figure it out. Send me a message if you're interested. I will probably use it myself as well.

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Ah, I am not familiar at all with Windows, so I honestly wouldn't know. Does the Immich CLI even work on Windows?

But going off by the comments and the parts I understand, I guess it could kinda work, assuming that the arguments are all correct. Although, it will try to upload all photos every time, regardless if Immich already has them or not. Which is not ideal but I believe Immich will filter out duplicated photos. But it's worth checking if it's indeed smart enough to do that.

For the Immich command it will upload the files to an album called "Camera_Backup". Not sure if that's what you want. If not, then remove the -a flag. If you want to upload it to a specific album, then instead add '-A albumname' (edit: I realize I might be wrong here. If you have multiple folders in Syncthing you're backing up it will work differently)

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The --delete flag is already in there so it should empty the camera_backup folder, but the robocopy will copy every single photo back into it the next run.

That only works if they're actually discoverable when you search for them, so you can pick the correct one. On reddit if you search for a specific thing, you get a list of all possible subreddits in one go. On lemmy... it really depends on the instance you're on, and if anyone else on your instance has discovered the other communities yet. You never know if the search results are complete. Even is not always showing all the communities I noticed.

And even now I have to keep rechecking communities/interests I have already subscribed too because new duplicates get made all the time with new instances showing up.