So how long until the Fediverse is monetized? to No Stupid – 599 points –

I'm fairly new and don't 100% understand it yet, but instances are run on servers that require money. Are we heading towards seeing ads or subscriptions to raise funds instead of relying on donations to cover overhead?

Especially with the influx of new users. Hardware upgrades are needed.


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Depends how successful we are in fending off Zuck from trying to muscle his way in. That's probably the first challenge.

Otherwise this is a non-issue, as there will simply always be both kinds. Nothing is stopping you from simply Self-Hosting your own Lemmy server.

I'm lazy. Checkmate!

For real though, lots of money is a great motivator.

Yes, which is why you should pick your server with care. If you do not pick one that suits your desires, that is on you.

This will not be as effortless as reddit any time soon, so if that is your goal, you may prefer it over there.

Nope, no way I'm going back. However, I'm still fairly new so I haven't really "researched" which instances I should be joining. Except for lemmynsfw...for obvious reasons. LOL

If they want to crate a Lemmy instance so badly, why don't they? It's open source, everyone can host an instance if they want to.

The only thing I can imagine is that they're restricted from monetizing it due to some rule of the license

The problem they’re seeing with Mastodon is all of the communities that are vowing to never federate with their instance because you just know it’s going to turn into EEE.

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I think most people are assuming we'll have the ability to fend off anything. All it's going to take is Zuck creating a new fediverse-enabled platform and just giving everyone with an Instagram account access using their already existing accounts. We'll be outnumbered by the millions.

We don't need to become more successful than Meta in order to fend him off, so to speak. We merely need to still be here, and independent.

This is a big part of the shift in mentality that needs to happen. Something doesn't have to be the biggest to be better. We don't need millions of concurrent users per server to enjoy connecting with other people and sharing ideas and art.

Like, a local cafe doesn't need to beat the profit margins of a Starbucks, it just needs to make ends meet. And it's probably a lot better experience in the process.

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