Sony Steals Customers' Purchased Content - Piracy is COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED!

Danny to – 771 points –
Sony Steals Customers' Purchased Content - Piracy is COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED!

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Most games don't need updates

Have you played any new games recently?

Yes, most games are better with patches. Most games do not need patches. And most games come out just fine, the big AAAs that push consoles often have a patch that is worth caring about.

I played through the most recent yakuza game without a patch recently. Was great.

Real quick: how high are you?

How high doesnt matter, we need to know what they are high on

And where to get it

Whatever they're smoking, don't do it. You'll end up drooling gibberish with a blithe grin on like that. ↑

Ok, if you think most games don't need them, then I hope that you're enjoying bugs. 10/20 years ago games were unfinished, too - but you were able to download and SAVE an update. This is nearly impossible, now.

I literally gave you an example of a game I played recently, without patches and zero bugs. Please read the whole thing before leaving a comment.

The quality of comments on lemmy has really gone downhill the past few months, it's about reddit quality now and getting worse

"people disagree with me, it sure feels like reddit around here"

You ever think the place wasnt the common denominator?

What's that one quote? "If it smells like shit everywhere you go, check your shoe?"

Alternatively, "If you meet someone who's an asshole, you met an asshole. If everyone you meet is an asshole, you're the asshole."

Not much of a gamer lately, huh?

Updates are always an option now, so games are no longer released in a very stable state. And by not very stable, I mean "crashes immediately with X company hardware", "frame rate drops to 1 frame/s in certain areas", or "quest line is bugged and incompletable"

Day one updates generally aren't optional... With a publisher who values polish like Nintendo? Generally they're playable, but a bit rough. On average, they're literally impossible to play through. It's a real problem in modern gaming

I played through the most recent yakuza game without a patch recently. Was great.

Ok, but that's Yakuza. Their team is great and cares a lot about quality. They're hardly a representative example, but...

I just scanned through their update log. A week after launch, they fixed a crash when you deleted a picture from the photo album. Another couple weeks later, they fixed one where the game would crash intermittently. A few weeks later, they fixed a bug where the game wouldn't boot if you unlocked all the achievements. And it keeps going, more than a year later they fixed a crash during a quest if you have an inconsistent frame rate

There's a lot more, but I just scanned through looking for crash fixes - there're also many issues with graphics that would make the game unplayable with certain setups

Also, I noticed the first patch is 1.02, making me believe the "unpatched" game actually included the day 1 patch

Maybe the release version worked for you, but it didn't work for everyone (or maybe your version included patches you're unaware of)

And again, this is an example of a highly polished game - most games are far, far worse

Old games had crasher bugs too, and even had new versions :o. 99% of games release in a state where 99% of people will never notice an issue.

Most games are not "far worse", you are looking at the high profile exceptions and extrapolating rather than looking at the actual real landscape of releases.

It's entirely possible that we play very different games, but I'm a gamer programmer, I read patch notes and listen to retrospectives recreationally

I never said games are far worse, I think that's true for AAA gaming (for different reasons), but modern indie games beat the crap out of the bargain bin games from a couple decades ago

My point is this - OTA updates change how software is developed. It used to cost a lot of money to fix if you release it with breaking bugs, and there were several system builds to test on.

Now? There's an infinite number of configurations you can support with one engine and minimal porting - hell, Nvidia regularly patches their drivers to support specific games better.

The cost of extensive qa has skyrocketed, and the consequences of bugs at launch has plummeted.

If that doesn't convince you, go pick 5 random games released this year on steam, and look at their update logs. All 5, maybe 4 if you're lucky , will have patches around release time for major issues.

It's not because they're lazy or bad devs, it's because QA could take months or years to tell you what user feedback would get you in 48 hours after launch

You can make a patch, does not mean you need a patch. The vast majority of games work absolutely fine at launch. I know you're a little obsessed with patch notes, but if you think that games having patches indicates that they needed patched then you're missing the point entirely.