Survive the zombie apocalypse to Lemmy – 312 points –

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Crossbow, respirator, fire axe, water purifier.

Crossbow can reuse ammunition as long as you can find your bolts, and improvising shitty bolts is simpler than anyvother ranged weapon.

If zombie plague is airborne, full mask respirator is gonna be essential.

Fire axe is a decent survival and breaching tool, not really considering it a weapon.

Water purifier essential so you don't die of dysentery, or if the zombie plague is waterborne.

If it's airborne you're toast, you gotta remove it eventually

It being airborne doesn't mean its in all air everywhere all the time.

Right but you don't know the patterns, incredibly variable. Taking the mask to win on that condition is a total dice roll

Its a contingency, but if you need it, you really need it. I think I'd otherwise be fine with the other 3. My next choices are probably tent, body armor, first aid kit, flashlight, then NVGs.

A tent would be useful, but tents are super common, I can probably loot one from somewhere. My current neck of the woods it wouldn't really be necessary though.

Body armor might help if I get surprised by one or two zombies and let me get away, but I reeeeally don't want to be in melee with zombies. Even with body armor that could easily be a loss, especially if its not just one or two.

First aid kit is useful, but unless a tourniquet can prevent zombification, its mostly gonna be for mundane stuff, blisters, scrapes, strains, and sprains. They are also commonly available and should be lootable. If not, most of its contents are probably improvise-able.

Flashlight, genuinely useful but probably lootable, reliant on electricity, probably draws unwanted attention.

NVGs, are cool and probably slightly useful. Going on the offensive against either zombies or other survivors is not in my game plan, I guess they could help hunt.

All these seem to be somewhat limited in their utility. Whereas the respirator is either vital, or a light encumberance.