Thunder: A new app for Lemmy to – 28 points –

I haven't seen this app suggested, so I'm sharing it in case anyone likes it.

Try Thunder:

You can install and autoupdate using:


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Tried "Memmy" before and right now I like Thunder a bit more. The UI looks cleaner to me, it works well. Good job, I have put it on my phone where I used to have Apollo.

I’m trying it now too, thanks for the comment, but if you’re an ex-Apollo like me, I highly recommend giving a try to It’s a web app but you can install it on your screen and looks almost identical to Apollo and feels very much like home. I discovered it today thanks to another comment and I can’t believe this exists.

I have just read about it in a different comment as well, tried it and it does feel a bit like coming home. Thank you for recommending it to me as well, it's wonderful to see that it gets easier and easier to take part here!