PA unfit to govern Gaza post-Hamas, White House says National Security Council spokesman John Kirby tells ABC only 'reformed and revitalized Palestinian Authority' could competently carry out the task to World – 38 points –
PA unfit to govern Gaza post-Hamas, White House says

The Palestinian Authority in its current state is not capable of governing the Gaza Strip after Hamas is defeated, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said on Sunday.

Speaking to ABC's "This Week," Kirby said only a "reformed and revitalized Palestinian Authority" could competently carry out the task.

The remarks follow Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's assertion that the Palestinian governing body, which holds partial control over the West Bank, is incapable of governing Gaza, as he claims that like Hamas, it also denies Israel's existence.

The Palestinian Authority “pays murderers…. They educate their children to hate Israel and, to my sorrow, to murder Jews, and ultimately for the disappearance of the State of Israel,” he responded to a reporter's question on the matter in a press conference Saturday.


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The PA allowed jack shit. They got their asses handed to them and were kicked out of Gaza by Hamas in 2007. Palestinians think they are Israel's bitches and that's because they are. Israel has subcontracted a lot of the occupation in the West Bank to the PA so that a few sell outs like Mahmoud Abbas can pretend they are important political leaders of the Bantustans.


Hamas uses Palestinians as human shields and you defend them...

Right it's Hamas fault not the Israelis dropping thousands of tonnes of ordnance on dense residential areas.

What are Israels options if they get attacked out of these densely populated areas?

Send in soldiers to go kill Hamas guys without leveling an entire apartment building?

Or undermine Hamas politically by not making the PA seem like Israeli cucks.

How can you undermine an authoritarian regime, who doesnt hold votes, politically? That just doesn't work.

Hamas was originally elected because they ran as the anti corruption party, and because the PA are collaborationists. If you want to get Palestinians to broadly support someone other than Hamas, you have to show that the other guys can get results. Otherwise people continue to join hamas, because that's their only mechanism of resistance.

Just curious, what are your opinions on Ukraine and Russia? Do you defend Ukraine even tho they did the same things?

I would condemn this tactic as well. Thats just not right. But I am on Ukraine's side, since its a democratic elected government defending against an outside aggressor.

I also support the Palestinian people. I am for a ceasefire under the condition, that 2 states emerge and a democratic elected government – which is not the Hamas – rules Palestine and both sides put a sentence in their laws, which can't be altered, that they respect the other borders. No more Israeli settlers pushing the borders further and further terrorizing the Palestinians. And finally acceptance that there is a democratic state with a Jewish majority in the middle east.

"hamas is using human shields and you defend them..."

But Ukraine can do it and (correctly) you still defend and support them.