Metal Rule to – 391 points –

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On the Doom (or Stoner/Doom) metal genre, I would recommend Electric Wizard or Dopethrone.

Electric Wizard's Supercoven and Funeralopolis. Special mention to "I am nothing", but I don't want to spam their whole discography.
Dopethrone's Chameleon Witch and Vagabond

Those are pretty much the only two bands I know in that genre. Would like to hear more if anyone have suggestions.

As a pretty eclectic listener that doesn't didn't usually listen to much extreme metal, Windhand was my gateway drug to stoner/doom; try Forest Clouds and Grey Garden

I also really enjoy YOB (Adrift in the Ocean), Firebreather (Kiss of your Blade), and Khemmis (Hunted), and Monolord has some really fun, almost hypnotic groovy riffs (Empress Rising)

Funeral doom all the way imo. Check out Ahab and Bereft.

For black metal - Der Weg Einer Freiheit can’t be beat