Am I doing HDR wrong? to Steam – 29 points –

I have never used an HDR display before so I'm not sure how it's supposed to look.

I have been playing Spider-man both with and without HDR and unless I'm staring right into the sun there is literally no difference. I have always heard people talk about HDR as something incredible but I'm honestly disappointed.

I also played Tetris effect: connected and HDR seemed to just make all the menus darker, but the rest looked the same.

Have I done something wrong or is this how it is supposed to be?


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Both spider-man and Tetris supports HDR. What do you mean the deck oled display does not support it? Isn't that the main thing it advertises?

They're wrong, the OLED Deck definitely has an HDR screen. Not sure why two users in this thread claim it doesn't.

Sorry I was wrong. I read that somewhere and repeated it, but now I'm corrected and admitting my mistake

I wonder if that means they need to do a better job with their advertising...? Then again, maybe they don't expect it to be a big selling point on its own.

To be fair though, the first sentence when you bring up the OLED Deck's product page right after "Introducing Steam Deck OLED" is "A high dynamic range screen, a longer-lasting battery, faster downloads, and much more". HDR is then mentioned like 5 more times on the product page, so I don't really get why people miss it.

I mean, I'm buying one in part because of that, but based on the fact that at least a few people are confused about it means it's reasonable to assume there's others missing out on this improvement.