
2 Post – 367 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Not still, but again. Moved back when Covid hit and my company started to allow working from home. Honestly, I prefer it. Lived in a tiny city apartment, now I live in a large house in a village, with a garden and lots of nature around. The house would be too large and expensive for my mom to live there alone, so it makes sense for both of us.

Much of the world is moving in that direction. The many crises of recent years and an uncertain future outlook for humanity are fertile ground for extremists promising easy solutions and "going back to the good old days".

dominates the federation

Well there you have it.

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Sure is.

The wizard was called "Le Sorcier". Lovecraft wrote that story when he was 17, so I think we can cut him some slack that it wasn't a masterpiece.

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Smart speakers with personal assistants like Amazon Echo etc. Not remotely useful enough to be worth placing spying Equipment all over my home.

Wireless headphones. So now I'm supposed to recharge my headphones and get worse sound quality for it? In a few years they become e-waste, while good wired headphones can last decades. No thanks.

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Eh, just another Chromium browser.

The word "AI" has been used for way longer than the current LLM trend, even for fairly trivial things like enemy AI in video games. How would you even define a computer "thinking on its own"?

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Because religion provides comfort, community and a meaning to people's existence that goes beyond "we were born of chance on an insignificant rock somewhere in the universe".

(I'm not religious BTW)

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Sources state Glance will not capture data, but will instead leverage a user’s “patterns” to offer recommendations.

Those "patterns" are literally data. What a nonsensical sentence.

Aren't Trump's lawyers currently arguing in front of the supreme court that it would have been perfectly legal for Biden to do so, him being immune from all criminal prosecution while president?

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Sea of Thieves has microtransactions.

No Man's Sky was wildly successful at launch, making the devs a ton of money. I guess they felt bad about not delivering on their promises, so they used that money to fund further development.

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For my country (Germany): Catching a draft. Basically people believe that a light breeze from an open window will make you ill.

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Sounds like MLM bullshit at best, or something illegal like being a money mule at worst.

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We don't need to ban every single bit of plastic. It's fine to keep it where it's absolutely necessary. Some of the examples you provided definitely aren't necessary though, like individually wrapped cutlery (wtf) or beverages (can use glass).

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MrBeast and his many imitators. Don't get the appeal and the constant shouting voice is very annoying to me. I guess I'm just too old.

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France certainly has a social problem, with immigrant-descended populations often living precariously in crime-ridden banlieues, relatively isolated from the "indigenous" French people. These are great conditions to breed extremism.

But I'm not sure you could go so far as to say that there's really a terrorism problem. Of course any terrorist attack will be a huge thing in the news, but looking at the bigger picture, it still happens rather rarely and France is overall a pretty safe country.

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Never would have called him a favorite of mine exactly, but a channel I used to watch was Shadiversity. Had some interesting videos on medieval life and castles. These days he seemingly only does "let's test this wacky weapon" videos and has a terrible second channel where he whines about "woke culture".

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They'll soon be forced to allow sideloading, in the EU at least. Should open the doors for proper alternative browsers.

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It's the one silver lining Denuvo has: It's a subscription. So publishers are incentivized to remove it eventually.

Their lack of required information to dox me. The "worst" thing they have about me is my IP and what I post in this public forum, but it's not like they know my actual name or where I live or anything.

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If you see 10 posts monthly, you're probably just subscribed to very inactive communities. Personally I don't really see the need for Lemmy to become as big as reddit though. When you get hundreds of posts a minute, individual voices get pretty much drowned out. If we can sustain a smaller, but less toxic, community than reddit, I think that's preferrable. By which I don't mean that there isn't room for growth still, there definitely is, especially for some of the smaller, more specialized communities.

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PCs. Gaming laptops kinda suck IMO, especially their cooling. They also can't really be upgraded and are much more expensive for the performance. For mobile PC gaming I much prefer a Steam Deck.

HP Lovecraft - great writer, horrible racist

Similarly, Orson Scott Card - Ender's game and its sequel are great, but he's a raging homophobe.

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They've also auctioned some of it off, including the well-known case where they were not exactly supposed to.

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Depends on how you say it and in which context.

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No, because the opposition is not a single party, but made up of 3 parties. Law and justice was still the biggest party, despite losing the election overall.

You seem to confuse the concept of Eugenics (selective breeding to improve "genetic quality") with the general idea that genetics can influence things like personality, intelligence etc. The latter is pretty much undisputed. But as Humans are seen as individuals with rights, selectively breeding them like you would dogs is seen as unacceptable.

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In theory, it can also be used by the recommendation algorithm to show you less such videos. Who knows if it's actually used like that though.

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Really sucks to be a Unity developer right now. I've been working with mostly Unity for around 10 years now, and while I'm not directly affected by the recent changes, it really feels like the engine has been dying a slow death for a few years now. Hopefully Ricitello will leave eventually and they can turn this around, otherwise many of my skills will be useless in a few years...

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A lie needs to be intentional. If they meant to fulfill the promise, it wasn't a lie.

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Yup. No way to give it a 5/10. With so many people (IMO rightfully) disappointed with what they turned Overwatch into, of course they won't recommend it. Though no doubt some people now only want to pile on the negative reviews for fun.

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I think a big difference is the temporary nature of threads on Lemmy/Reddit. On forums, a new reply pushes a thread back to the front of the page, which leads to discussions that can go on for months or years. On Lemmy, a discussion is active for a few days at most, with the exception of stickied threads. It leads to a different discussion culture and I do sometimes miss that aspect of forums.

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They have historic ties and Israel is an important strategic ally in the middle east for the US.

Absolutely makes sense for most planets to be rather barren. What I found a bit disappointing so far - keeping in mind I started yesterday and I'm only a few hours in - is how mostly when you land on a planet there is a key point of interest (an outpost, a mining facility, a city etc) at a landing site and then immediately a whole lot of randomly generated nothing around it. No roads or paths, NPCs, houses etc. I haven't really been to a place where I got that Skyrim feeling of going out into the wilderness and finding interesting things. I hope that later on there are at least a few areas with more substantial exploration. Still enjoying the game though.

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Kinda true in Europe though. Don't know anyone who uses iMessage, it's pretty much irrelevant. I know the situation in the US is quite different, but ultimately they don't regulate for the US market.

On the other hand I don't see why being there in person has to be required for anyone. He can say exactly the same things remotely.

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  • Makes it smaller so it fits in pockets easily
  • Screen is protected while it's closed
  • Can use it as a simple tripod by half-opening it
  • Flipping a phone open is fun
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That's because of ONE UI, they're not part of vanilla Android.

Played Cyberpunk at launch, had no major issues with it and really liked the game.

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