4 Post – 90 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Interesting points. Blender has always been a great example that shows how well FOSS can work. To not just be as good as closed-source alternatives but to actually outperform them in many ways is incredible. Kinda disproves any excuse for intrusive DRM implementations.

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Someone is mad that GNOME got a 1 000 000 € grant from the government and is blaming trans people

  • Arch Linux user
  • Trans flag in the neofetch

Yup, checks out.

Counterpoint: My friends don't use them (and won't switch)

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Maybe I'm biased since I recently started working as a software dev, but you don't need to be really good to get a job as a programmer. I'm evidence of that.

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Literally F1nn5ter and Icky

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The dose is the poison. Meat in the amount we consume today is unhealthy. In the past people didn't eat meat every day or even close to it.

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🚫 Insulting the intelligence of the recipient by way of apology:

  • "I'm sorry for not being more clear"
  • "I'm sorry about being so misleading"

How are those insulting? Saying that I should have been more clear means I am the one who messed up by not communicating properly. Something like "sorry that you misunderstood" would be insulting since it places the blame on the recipient's intelligence.

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I don't think you're going to find anyone that admits to smelling bad. I assume people who smell bad do it because they don't know that they smell, so they don't try to change anything.

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Not this shit again Todd Howard

Windows and Linux keeps track of time differently. One stores the time in your current time zone. The other stores the GMT time and adds an offset. I forget which one does what but it results in your time being wrong each time you switch from Linux to Windows or vice versa. You can search for how to fix it, its not very hard, or you can just ignore it and reset your clock each time you switch OS.

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I see a lot of people saying the use it every day, probably since this type of post attracts those types of people. So I will break the mold and say that I never use it.

I haven't had a headphone jack in my last 2 phones and I haven't missed it at all. Maybe once or twice in the last few years when I have gotten into my mom's car which doesn't have Bluetooth. All my headphones are Bluetooth. All my speakers are Bluetooth. If I really need a headphone jack I can still use a dongle but that almost never happens.

That's great but this does not account for the dynamics of a Discord server.

Let's say 8 people are hanging out in Discord, playing games or whatever. Should I then message all 8 of them a link to join a separate voice chat? The response would be "no, just join Discord of you want to talk". That also requires me to know who are in the call (therefore already using Discord anyways), since if I just message one or two of them I would be splitting the party, which they won't do.

The whole "hanging out in Discord and whoever wants to join just joins" dynamic is difficult to replace with a zoom-type voice chat that requires you to initiate a call with a link.

I have already tried switching people to signal from Facebook messenger. Didn't work. All it takes is one person to not want to switch and the whole group will end up going back. And that's just a messaging service. Discord is way more complicated to switch from since it is more of an all-in-one thing.

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Did you use AI to write THAT response?

I noticed immediately because I thought I had a giant smudge on my glasses. Super distracting and I always disable it.

In my experience some friends are unconvertable, and at that point group chats with those friends just end up in the same place as before.

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Windows won't die what are you talking about? Windows 12 subscriptions are a) just a rumor and b) not for the entire os, just certain features like AI and stuff

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I have no idea what that sentence means

The oled deck does support hdr, dont know why some people are claiming ut doesn't.

General HDR is not supported in Linux yet though, only in games. So videos are unfortunately not a thing I can use for comparison.

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50hz draws less battery so my guess is that they assume players who cap their frame rate at 25 are more in need of battery life over low latency, because why else would you cap it that low?

Idk but that's what I would do

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JavaScript is wrong

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Categories are timestamped in the description

1:12 Best Big Smartphone

3:55 Best Compact Phone

5:56 Best Camera

8:50 The Value Award

11:05 Best Battery

13:07 The Design Award

15:14 Best Foldable Phone

18:25 Most Improved

20:34 Bust of the Year

22:02 MVP

Sorry if this looks weird I don't know how to format correctly

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That's so whack. In that case my "platform of the year 2023" is the gameboy

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I mean OP just said "nah" when asked to follow the rules. That would be enough for me to remove the post but then again I'm not the mod

I would recommend using bottles as the last fallback instead of just wine. Makes it easier since it automatically creates a wine prefix for each game/launcher


Effort is not really a part of the equation for a lot of people. Usually it's just "I don't want to switch".

Pretty sure he decided what he was going to say before he even saw the movie. He can't admit to liking any part of it becausee of his politics.

Both spider-man and Tetris supports HDR. What do you mean the deck oled display does not support it? Isn't that the main thing it advertises?

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This is really hard to read because the writer just sprinkles in random swear words into every sentence. I get that that is the point, hence the name of the site, but still. I'm not saying swears are bad or something but this is just really overdone. Just tone it down a bit. A swear is fine every few sentences but this is like one or two "fucking" per sentence, even where it doesn't fit.

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Wait is this entire article written by an AI, with a cover image that is also AI generated?

Mirror's Edge Catalyst. Everybody loved the first game, but nobody played the second game, including me for a good few years. But once I decided to try it I realized how much I had been missing out. It's really good. Making it open world really works. There is fast travel but I never once used it because just running around is so fun. If you liked the first game, please try Catalyst!

I agree with you, but as always its not that simple. For a lot of people all their friends use iMessage and refuse to use anything else because "it's what I already use". When you have a PlayStation and all your friends use Xbox, then being able to talk to them despite the security implications becomes quite an attractive feature.

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Not necessarily. If you know that your pants are at the bottom then you can just plunge your hand into the pile and grab them without any searching.

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If it is certified for any Linux distro it will most likely work for any other Linux distro without issue. No guarantee but very likely. Also Fedora is basically just a testing branch of RHEL so pretty sure it would work.

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I had a surface pro 4 with Linux for several years. The install process is a bit annoying since you need to get the custom surface kernel but other than that it worked great. I had a lot of issues with the hardware (unrelated to Linux), but I've heard that it has gotten better with the newer versions

Sorry I should have been more clear. I'm using the steam deck oled with the regular display, not an external display.

Thanks! Everything is at (Along with a bunch of old broken stuff I no longer use. Please dont judge the mess)

This gets posted like once per week and this is inaccurate as shit.

"Wayland is bad, it can't run xorg programs"

Ok but there is an exact copy of the program that is made for Wayland. It's the same argument that Windows users use to discredit Linux .

"Linux is bad because it can't run programs that were made for Windows"

You know like 70% of desktops run Windows right? That's not what I would call "dead". Almost every company out there uses Windows on their computers.

Don't get me wrong, I would love it if Windows died but there are no signs at all of that happening any time soon.