A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending.

gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 440 points –

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If you've ever wondered why no one killed Hitler on his rise to power, now you know.

The main difference is, in 2023, we know how Hitler rose to power. In 1933, Germans didnt.

Yeah, but that's like... almost a 100 years ago. Completely different. SlashEs

I think that is a bridge too far for many reasons. First off I hate the Cheeto. He is a mudstain on used panties from a crackhead pornstar.

However, we have Hitler in recent history. We have many forms of media that they did not have to see how it's going with everyone else. And let's not forget that Hitler was smarter than Trump ever will be.

I don't glorify Hitler lightly. He was a force that needed to be stopped and so does Trump. But that is were the comparison ends. Nazis became so huge because people were afraid of what would happen to their family if they didn't. Here we will fight the morons back. Stop giving this man so much power and admiration. He's a conman. A shitty leader. And a dumbass.

And let’s not forget that Hitler was smarter than Trump ever will be.

Not really. Hitler's (supposed) "genius" exists in the same way Trump's does - as propaganda and nothing else.

I didn't call Hitler a genius. I called him smarter than Trump. Trump copies him. He at least (for the most part) came up with the strategies to inspire the changes in Germany. Even though they were shitty as fuck.

I didn’t call Hitler a genius.

Fair enough - you didn't. But calling him smarter than Trump is still a stretch. Hitler wasn't very smart at all. You don't have to be smart to serve the interests that puts you in power... which is the only real function politicians serve at the end of the day.

Fortunately for the US, it's actually very difficult to be a dictator in the White House - the US president is a cog for those "interests." He takes his orders from them and not the other way around. That's why Trump became so ineffective once he stepped into the White House and became isolated from his adoring MAGA crowd.