11 Post – 310 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I work night shifts. My manager one time called me around 2pm to ask me something menial and waking me up (as I was still sleeping for my next shift at 7pm).

So naturally, I called him at 2AM when I was at work... because I had an "urgent" question about a work policy lol. He got the picture, and that shit never happened again

Keep the masses divided and all that jazz

Thank you! That's pretty neat. I tried 27% of 65

I added two 10% increments (6.5+6.5)... but instead of adding 0.65 (1%) seven more times, I added a 5% increment (6.5/2 = 3.25) and then 2 increments of 1%

So 6.5+6.5+3.25+0.65+0.65 = 17.55

I still had to use a calculator to add those weird numbers (and also check my work), but it does seem really practical for easier numbers. I usually need percentages for pricing (i.e. discounts/tipping), and the percentages are normally in increments of 5%, so that's pretty useful for figuring out a 15% or 75% of something real quick... or at least get me really close (when talking about something like $X.99)

Regardless, I appreciate the head trick!

Edit: I guess I could've done 30% and then subtracted 1% twice; but it's the same issue (of adding weird numbers) with the same outcome anyway. So thanks again!

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Ahh, that's a really good point! I forget about the "X% of Y = Y% of X"

Honestly, I normally just use a calculator quick (move the decimal twice, multiply and all that jazz) for weird percentages or I want a precise answer.

But I like knowing different ways of thinking about it because it can become easier than using a calculator (with practice). And it's fun, cause I'm a bit of a math nerd

Extreme Ironing: Pressing for Victory


Free labor, and keep her away from customers. Cleaning, prepping, whatever. If she causes problems, she violates probation and serves the rest of time in prison. Give the store an incentive to deal with her. With thin margins, I'd take those odds. Fuck threatening to fire; if you fuck up, you go back to prison. "Now clean the damn fryer's like your freedom depended on it"

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Tails OS. I went to search what it was and read the Wikipedia article. Guess I'm on a watch-list now, cause of my dumb curiosity lol

From Wikipedia

In 2014 Das Erste reported that the NSA's XKeyscore surveillance system sets threat definitions for people who search for Tails using a search engine or visit the Tails website

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"four seasons-having piece of shit" lol I'm going to start discriminating against people based on their seasons.

"Everybody is welcome at my house!... as long as you've experienced snow, that is"

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I was charged a fee for checking-in with the person at the counter, instead of checking-in using their website or app. It's deliberately scummy

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I found this research interesting because of personal anecdote:

My family and I have joked that my mom must have some kind of immunity to covid. Before a vaccine was available, she had several direct (and sometimes lengthy) exposures... but never any (noticeable) symptoms or illness. And after being vaccinated with the monovalent rounds, she had several direct exposures to omicron... and still nothing

I myself have worked the front lines as an ICU nurse in the US since the first wave, and have never had covid, that I know of. Never symptomatic and never tested positive (granted, I am much more fastidious in regards to infection prevention). The kicker on my end is that my wife is immunosuppressed, and she also has never gotten covid, even with me working covid units and coming home to her (also why I have been so incredibly anal about not bringing it home).

Could be luck, or anything in-between, but I still wonder if my mom and I are resistant. We both have had many (sometimes severe) respiratory infections when I was growing up, and I've wondered if those exposures to other Corona viruses helped train our immune systems.

Like I said, that's my personal anecdote. We both still get every vaccine for covid-19 that becomes available, because fuck all that. But I've always been curious what future studies of the immune system might reveal. Because we have been wildly lucky, all things considered

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I've taken Adderall for over a decade now and am still able to stop taking it on a dime. I recently took a 3 month break (because I wasn't working) and was able to instead, lean on my "trusty coping skills" that I learned as a kid.

I have a bit of an addictive personality (still need to quit smoking (again)), but Adderall isn't an issue of addiction for me... just an issue of how much easier it is to function. But I'm ADHD, so I guess it checks out.

Appreciate the source! I never did fully look into it.

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I work in a very large hospital. I left for 3 years and just came back. When I went to open a document at work, it opened in Libre Office. I was pretty surprised that they ditched Microsoft Office for Libre. Makes financial sense to me, especially because most of our use-cases are simply opening and reading a document or slideshow. But I was still surprised they made that switch, and I doubt half of the employees honestly even notice that much

Now, they still run Windows Desktops, and I doubt that would ever switch in my lifetime. So no linux for us. But still pleasantly surprised at the step forward

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The judge was probably persuaded by 10k only

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That's incredible. Lemmy may be small, but the memes kill

And this is a screenshot of a lemmy comment replying to a screenshot of a reddit comment that's replying to a screenshot of a 4chan thread

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I literally have no fucking clue. But I don't like the tone of your syntax; you better watch how you type when commenting, my dude

She'd have done better claiming, "It doesn't even look like meβ€½ Kind of a shit artist imo, if we're all just being honest."

Apparently, there's no going back from the Streisand effect. And now, here we all are, looking at her actual gremlin face... understanding that the painting is somehow true. She should have let it go


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Not all parents are equal. It'd be cool if we valued our young, regardless of from whom they came from. Nobody gets to decide whether to be born or not, but they're still forced to accept the terms of service.

Maybe we should try to value... people?... in general? But who honestly gives a fuck, I got too much on my own plate to really think about it anyway

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Right? Probably for attention grabbing, cause they do say the same flaw exists in zen2 and zen3, and the article is by no means slamming AMD for it. But the title does come off that way


And your contribution is notably worse, as well as toxic, imo. Rehashing the same rhetoric about how forums are similar, no matter where you go online... maybe you spent too much time on reddit yourself, or on forums in general. I hate the statement "go touch grass", but you're literally breathing life into it right now.

At least they contributed something I enjoyed reading. Don't be a jerk

Edit: Nvm, I'm wasting my time. Looking at your comments and you're obviously just flaming shit like a common troll, or someone who really is a jerk. Don't care either way. Thanks for contributing your vitriol

No one cares about you πŸ™„ for the love of life. Get off it already... you even forced an emoji outta me, just to really get my point across /s

Sorry sorry, trying to be sarcastic-mean, not actually mean. Just wanted to rib poke for a second, but not at the expense of a person I don't know. I truly like seeing your activity around here; couldn't help myself though. Ya dick

I'm not great at sarcasm lol. I only wish the best for you, ya random squid πŸ™

Thank-fucking-science, it's about time

Thank you, because the journal article is a pretty long read and rather technical, if you're looking at the methodology and everything else. That's a nice succinct summary

Absolutely love that show. I kinda have to be in a good headspace to watch it though, cause it has definitely had a negative impact on my own depressive thoughts before. But that show can be so damn cathartic and just a great watch overall

When trees look like things. There's one near me that looks like a camel... or a cow, depending on how you look at it. There's also one that looks like an AT-AT that got it's legs tied up, and is falling face-forward

I had trouble pulling into a parking spot when I first started driving, because I couldn't judge how close the front of my car was to the car's bumper next to me (as I turned in)

So I started backing-in because I could see everything with my mirrors and could maneuver more easily. I still prefer backing-in, depending on the situation

I moved from Pennsylvania to Louisiana when I was a teenager, and was most bummed about losing out on snow boarding. Now when I'm out traveling, I get to explain how fun (and practical) "hurricane parties" are. Everywhere is strange when you're a stranger I guess

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Which has been extremely helpful. It took me a second to have a grasp on what was going on here, but it was an almost painless switch for me, especially because of these tips showing up in my feed. I still scroll some of them because of the additional tips/info in the comments

I feel like I'm kinda back to the forum-feel of when I lurked around SA; but this is way cooler imo. And everyone's been really awesome here trying to make it work for all of us, so quickly. I'm a very appreciative new user!

Thank you for typing out my exact thoughts/experience. Saved me a lot of time, not having to put too many thoughts into words.

I'll only add that, of course pintrest has workarounds... but I'll usually spend more time looking for content that isn't so "locked out". Cause it's a pain in my ass trying to go around it when I just wanna see examples of some random bullshit real quick. Sometimes I click a pintrest link without noticing and immediately go back to search, cause fuck that.

Quora I still click sometimes; cause it's like a box of coconut-filled chocolates, save only one nutella-filled chocolate... you pretty much know what you're gonna get

I was 33 when I finally asked about a prescription; and I felt kinda dumb that I had been "just dealing with it" my whole life, when suddenly breathing had become much easier with ant-anxiety meds.

I guess I was worried about becoming addicted or would lose coping skills and become dependent on it in order to function. But nope. I was wasting so much mental energy before, just trying to wake up and feeling like the sun was screaming at me. I can taper down my dose when my anxiety is more controlled, sometimes I forget that I didn't take it. Sometimes I wake up and pretty much immediately take it.

It helped me to begin understanding my anxiety on a much different level than simply, "I'm just having a bad day". It was a game changer

I'll drink to that?

Boomers, Zoomers and Millenials just collectively ruining everything. And don't think I forgot about those Gen X-ers or Silent Gen bastards. Generations of people just ruining everything, from regular-ass etiquette, all the way to reddiquette too. Fucking generationals! Can't have anything nice without some generation coming around and being it's downfall. 😀

No GPS, no map Quest, no internet on cell-phone. You just got lost in the smokey mountains for hours, about to run out of gas, hoping there was an open gas station at the next exit. Just raw-dogging those road-trips for the most part

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That's exactly how they taught us in nursing school. If you try and hide the mistake by "scratching" it out, it's assumed that you're hiding something. A single strike thru with an initial; owning your mistake. Mistakes are expected, and so is being honest about it. Makes you think twice before writing anything half-assed

Granted, most of us don't do paper-charting anymore; but the EMR still tracks any addendum. Don't go writing bullshit that you're unable to explain

Hey, I've seen you commenting around here before!

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It's head tells me it's not venomous. Venomous snakes look angry

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Apparently Warner Brother's (and other's of the same) can produce and shelve a movie, and use it as a tax write-off. So if my taxes can prop up an industry that has the ability to "conveniently" shelve their works, while recouping a bad investment...why aren't their shelved movies "public domain"? We kinda paid for them the moment they became a write-off

If I paint on canvas, and decide to never even try and earn income from it; do I get to recoup my losses in supplies? Or does the "standard deductible" override my loss, and the tax-burden falls back (again) on the working class? Or I'm dumb and don't understand taxes, so please enlighten me

Hawaii doesn't check out, but they do look very similar

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