Trump Promotes Alarming Washington Post Column Warning His Presidency Would Be a ‘Dictatorship’

Flying to politics – 544 points –
Trump Promotes Alarming Washington Post Column Warning His Presidency Would Be a ‘Dictatorship’

He's coming right out and saying it. What more do people need? You'll be safe if you're a white, cishet, Christian man. Anyone else who helps this guy into office could be potentially signing their own death warrant and he's coming right out and admitting it. Promoting it.


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You're not paying attention if you think bad media headlines are why they look down on "us". Don't get me wrong, i think these things should be criticized and we should expect better but "our" media headlines aren't why they don't like us. Its their media headlines that are telling them how to feel about us.

Well I should say less the headlines and more the number of people spreading this and/or believing it. Look at this thread—there are like no top comments that reflect on the inaccuracy of the headline. no one read the article or clicked the link, it seems worse than Reddit here. It’s embarrassing and disappointing. It makes it easy for the right to say, ‘see how gullible the left is & how easily they’re swayed by media?’ Anyway I’m not trying to start a flame war, I think I’m just starting to feel more stress about the upcoming election.

It's wierd to put more weight on the left or liberals for this then the conservative media appartus that defended and backed trumps play to steal the election by any means necessary.