1 Post – 97 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

You mean when he support the rail workers and fought congress undermining them? Why do leftist want to rewrite history to ensure people think it isn't a W for Biden and labor rights?

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Has biden truly been uncritical? Don't get wrong, I don't think he's done enough but to say he's bene uncritical seems inaccurate.

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You're not paying attention if you think bad media headlines are why they look down on "us". Don't get me wrong, i think these things should be criticized and we should expect better but "our" media headlines aren't why they don't like us. Its their media headlines that are telling them how to feel about us.

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Looks like a W to workers. Let's ask the rail workers who have increases of 24% how they like their new contract.

What could they do without a majority?

Mo and Aisha at 9 - makes me think fundie abrahamic religions don't care as much about age of consent.

This is totally shocking. Also, sun is hot.

I think you misunderstand what centrists are or I do.

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Aww yes because imperialism is based if it's done by "democratic vote"

It's especially stupid because it hardens the Israeli people even more against hamas and makes them less willing to work with Palestinians when their government members do stuff like this.

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They can't live for very long. It's why I kinda think this work is somewhat unethical - even if it brings about breakthroughs that could help millions.

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I won't apologize for bringing attention to bigotry that you're all to happy to spread but too afraid to say clearly. Dog whistles are fun!

Do you usually get this upset when someone brings attention to your dog whistles?

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You're first sentence isn't connected to the thought process of the 2nd sentence at all.

What do you think this link proves exactly?

It's a relevant point. We don't allow cigarette companies to advertise to children so should it be acceptable to advertise crack or coke?

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There's ways to "not follow the hive mind" without getting banned. There's a reason why daily wire is able to be on YouTube and reddit for example.

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That's simply not true I don't think. Especially considering how unpopular trump is with everyone who isn't aTrumper.

It also doesnt answer my question. We shoulf have numbers to justify your position here.

Do we know if he won last time due to the left flank?

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Those people will get banned if they are in a subreddit where people will report it. It's pretty easy to get banned from reddit if you don't follow certain social conventions and beliefs.

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Does a comment like that actually get you banned?

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They didn't say anything xenophobic. They may have played into the ageist stuff but it was after you tried to play "I've been doing since you before you were born" card, and that makes it fair game imo. You were being unnecessarily aggressive from the start of this exchange and I think they were matching your energy. This is my outside perspective but you may lash out at me too. I don't have a dog in this fight, I'd have to do research before figuring out if either of you knows what you're talking about.

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If you're not actively using AI for a tech job then you're leaving yourself behind. It's look ignoring using Google.

I have to ask. Besides being an edgy comment that borders on (if not flatout) maligning Muslims- what are you trying to accomplish with it? Or am I putting too much weight on a throwaway troll commeny?

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Nah I'm pretty sure they are coming at the centrist label from a far left perspective. I don't know any centrist who think the republican party is reasonable right now. I know right wing moderates who like Haley but they aren't centrists.

As a newer developer is has been amazing for me and alot of experienced developers also recognize how much benefit it provides so im honestly confused by your standpoint.

I can't take any "lefty" seriously who is as adamant as you are about propagating the myth that Dore is a leftist.

He first needs to triangulate the opinions of Alex Jones, trump and Tim pool to get to his perfect right wing populist blend.

Are you in favor of firing teachers who day things that go against common popular teachings in an area?

Your mocking of this situation makes me feel you'd be in favor of laws that fire teachers for teaching evolution for example.

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The whole purpose of the board is to provide a safety valve. If the CEO is hiding stuff from the board then that seems like a completely legitimate reason to throw out a CEO. It's hard to be a safety valve when the CEO is actively hiding information from the board to make the decisions they need to make.

It's possible in the UK or Europe broadly I think.

Okay, but what does a system look like that moves past both? How do you ensure people get resources if you don't want capitalism or a planned economy?

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I think its mistake to simply play these folks off as people who want to say racial slurs or something.

We're still a far way away from the level of automation necessary to make working only 2 days a week feasible imo

Is this speculation or do you have proof they are giving products away to inflate a bubble?

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Who determines its unnecessary? The market? Government groups?

The propaganda to get people to disengage is so damn strong. It comes from the same place as "oh everyone's equally corrupt" etc

What's the point of a comment like this?

I am honestly not noticing anything particularly bad myself. I could take picture of a local store in worse condition but its mostly due to the fact it's alpt older than all the other grocery establishments near by and I think the company has deemed it unnecessary to support as much.

Yeah it would lead neutral observers to beleive Israel flattened a hospital since they are the only ones immediately in the region with the munitions to do so. Both things can be true

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Which one would you suggest to review?