New photography community to New – 47 points –

Hey there!

I've started up this new space called PixelPassport on It's all about sharing top-notch nature and landscape photos that'll make you feel like you're right there. Think stunning sunsets, epic mountains, you name it.

If you're into awesome photography or just want to check out some amazing views from around the world, come take a look. Feel free to join, share some of your own shots, or just hang out.

See you there!

/c/ !


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If anyone could help with the links I don't really understand how to format them

All the links are working for me!

! does this work? Edit: and this will be external Edit2: looks like some apps can't comprehend the instance URL. I'm on liftoff, @ brings up email and is not a link

Your second link works for me in liftoff! The first one still opens an email client

are you using the in-app browser? with the extern it just opens firefox for me. I updates the app yesterday maybe i'm a few versions behind again xD

Oh weird, no I'm using the external browser but every link except for the https link opens gmail for me. I'm sure it will get fixed, I just checked and i'm on version 0.10.3

same, so the only difference is the instance of the account itself then. cheers

I'm struggling with this as well, for many of these communities. I'm on the garden, so something here???) Should bring me to these communities, but most of them I cannot find. What am I doing wrong? I can go to these pages and see content but I'm not going through the garden and not logged in, so I haven't been able to subscribe to a lot of things I'm interested in. Halp