Biden ‘not sure he’d be running’ in 2024 if Trump wasn’t: ‘We cannot let him win’

Lee to – 242 points –
Biden ‘not sure he’d be running’ in 2024 if Trump wasn’t: ‘We cannot let him win’

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i am so tired of this old fucking man pretending we have to worship him and his career just because he barely beat trump last time

What fantasy land are you living in where he is asking you to worship him?

Only cult45 thinks everyone worships their chosen candidate.

There's a guy on this very thread saying that amy criticism of Biden is an endorsement of Trump.

That is simple reality of a two party system and is in no way praise much less worship. Perhaps you should look words up before you assume things?

Voting between a Giant Douche and a Shit sandwich should be easy since at least the douche is trying to clean something.

All criticism of the douche isn't endorsement of the sandwich. No matter how much you want to use it as an excuse to silence all criticism.

Enjoy coup2. I'm sure the Fascists shall respect your superior morals.

I'm voting for Biden. That doesn't mean I have to buy his supporters' bullshit.