Trump says he'll be a dictator only 'on day one' if elected to – 585 points –

Donald Trump has said that he will not become a dictator if he becomes US president again except "on day one", after warnings from Democrats and some Republicans that the US was in danger of becoming an autocracy if he wins the 2024 election. Fuck, well at least he's honest on this statement


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Slight correction, he wasn't assassinated by most of the senate. There were about 60 conspirators out of 200-300, and only a dozen or so actually participated in the assassination (and only 5 actually confirmed to have stabbed him while still alive). Regardless, it's still true that they came to that conclusion after Caesar was declared dictator for life and started taking away senate power

Funny thing is apparently only one of the wounds was lethal, we were literally one dude getting sick off from Caesar just going Palps mode

(and only 5 actually confirmed to have stabbed him while still alive)

It's medically pretty unlikely you can be stabbed 60 times and not die till the last guy gets his turn.