
1 Post – 198 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah, I am, but I don't want to put too much weight on my own experience. I got my PhD last year, so I went from living paycheck to paycheck on a grad student stipend to having a real job making decent money. Many other people are not doing as well as they were, so I don't want my own anecdotal evidence to cloud my perception

Guiliani doesn't elaborate on other times the red sea was parted

Made me laugh

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They don't mention it causing turmoil at Xitter, presumably because they are already at maximum turmoil capacity

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Any maps app that, when you set a route, lets you decide "don't give me any directions until I get to X step" and/or "don't give any directions after X step". I dont like hearing the navigation when I don't need it, and that would save me from having to open or close the navigation while I'm still driving.

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As someone else has said before, Taylor Swift could tweet "Bring me the head of Ron Desantis" and he would be dead in a week.

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Anecdotally I agree. Back when all I knew about Tesla was that they made fancy electric cars, I dreamed of the day I'd be able to afford one. Now I'm looking to buy a new car this year and I won't even take a Tesla on a test drive.

This guy definitely read "The Game" and thought he was successfully negging

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I'm not really surprised, the main challenge of that game is motor control, something any machine can do with more precision than a human

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Yeah IMO this is more than youtube drama, this is someone threatening Jack and his wife by showing her fans where he lives

Damn, I hadnt even thought about that. A class on Unity right now would be only a month in, and those professors are probably agonizing over whether to continue teaching a course on an engine that might not even be a relevant skill by the time the semester is over, or desperately try to switch gears and teach something completely different. I don't envy that decision, prepping a new course in the middle of a semester is a nightmare

I wish whoever maintains this bot would figure out how to stop it from stating the same information 3-4 times in the title and the body of the post

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Only tangentially related to the issue at hand, but Mr. Beast's smile terrifies me

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Today i learned that, despite being a cis man who is exclusively attracted to women, this city council considers me to be a part of the LGBTQ+ community

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Probably not from Gamers Nexus' side of things. Their video is very professional, and focuses on the damage done to other companies featured on the channel, and challenges LTT and LMG to be more professional. They also said in their followup that they won't be making any more videos on the topic, their goal was to raise awareness, and now it's LTT's responsibility to decide what to change, if anything. Is LTT playing it up as drama? Maybe, but I think it's more likely that they want it treated as drama rather than legitimate criticism so that they can ignore it and move on, rather than to increase attention/ relevance.

Yeah I got into lockpicking a few years ago, figured out how to pick all the random master locks i had lying around the house, and immediately after spending like 250 dollars on some specialty, hard-to-pick locks, I lost interest. Still keep my lockpicking set in my car in case anyone locks themselves out of the house or something, but the dopamine i got from picking those first few locks is gone. On to the next thing.

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As a Kentuckian, I'm very (pleasantly) surprised by this result. Sure, we've historically preferred a democratic governor, but I thought in the post Trump era that wouldn't matter. I was sure that the only reason Beshear beat Bevin in 2019 was because of all the shit Bevin pulled with teacher's pensions. Anyways, exciting stuff!

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The doors really open wide when you consider that the nominee can be someone outside of the House. I nominate my 14 year old nephew, i think he'd at least do better than any republican in congress.

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He's got the gaunt face of a man who's withering away. My grandpa, a much better man than McConnell, looked like that for the last few months of his life, despite spending the majority of his life with a slightly pudgy face. It is truly ghoulish the way they parade politicians like McConnell and Feinstein around as if they still have all their wits, when really they should have retired years ago. Hell, half the senate should have retired over a decade ago, but both parties value incumbency too much

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Not when you could be also using that vpn to communicate with people without them knowing

Another tasty little tidbit I just learned after reading the wikipedia for the RICO act: Trump's team should be very familiar with it because Rudy Guiliani used it in the 80s to bring down a bunch of New York Mafia guys. It's apparently fairly easy to argue RICO in court because you just have to prove a pattern of behavior.

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Never thought of it that way! What a dystopian world we live in where intelligent conversation dies because there's no good way to profit off of it.

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Minecraft. I go through phases of not playing it, but once or twice a year I'll start up a new world and just mindlessly build and mine while listening to a podcast or an audiobook, and will play every night for several weeks. I've started so many minecraft worlds over the years that I really don't need to think about what to do next

I've got a nonbinary friend who presents somewhat feminine, and they always say that anyone who finds them attractive is gay by default. So I guess what I'm saying is I'm not totally straight

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This is basically trump arguing for the return of the Divine Right of Kings

It definitely wouldn't be the left image. With legs like those, you could never pull the pants up past the first (or I guess technically last) level of branching. It would either be the big pants or a large number of seperate, smaller pants on each of the lowest branches.

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At least to your second point, in the video he explains that there are ways to seed clouds for cooling purposes without any major side effects, and the experiment hes talking about is that this shows it can be done on a large scale. Whether it would make us complacent on getting CO2 out of the air, though, it might but at least it would be the start of a solution.

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I really think one of the essential parts of a well-made rpg is that it can make you feel like whichever class you've picked is the best one

Slight correction, he wasn't assassinated by most of the senate. There were about 60 conspirators out of 200-300, and only a dozen or so actually participated in the assassination (and only 5 actually confirmed to have stabbed him while still alive). Regardless, it's still true that they came to that conclusion after Caesar was declared dictator for life and started taking away senate power

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I did! But as for estimates of people, you could probably compare total daily users in like, March to total daily users today, and that eould get you most of the way there

According to CBS, an appeals court reduced the bond to 175 million and extended the deadline by 10 days

Mike Pence will forever hold a modicum of my respect for, more so than anyone else in Trump's administration, obstructing Trump's attempt to dismantle democracy in America. Do I think he'd make a good president? Fuck no, he'd be disastrous. But I can't deny that a more power-hungry vice president probably would've gone through with Trump's plan.

Canada seems to have pretty credible evidence for it. India seems to be doubling down in indignation rather than apologize or admit they did anything wrong.

One time purchase coming soon, its still in beta after all

I don't know if I've seen more toxicity per se, but I definitely have seen more negativity recently. I remember when I first got here during the reddit protest stuff, everyone was so nice and it felt very refreshing compared to reddit. Now I don't get that feeling. There are still plenty of nice people, but there's just a lot of bitterness regarding the state of the internet right now.

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He probably refused to answer because he was busy having a stroke

Oh yeah, and if that's granted, he'll probably ask for an extension until after the '28 elections.

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I'm interested in comparison between the 2 questions. 15% of Republicans think he's guilty, but 18% approve of the verdict. 86% of democrats think he's guilty but 88% approve of the verdict. That means that for both parties, there are at least a few people who think he's not guilty, but regardless approve of him being in legal trouble. I'd like to pick their brains and see what's up.

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And I've found a portal into 2011! Hello there!

Even more accurate is to say that he paid the salaries of a large number of animal "house workers" hence their catchphrase "It's a living!" They all earned their living off of that one guy's income

They just want to control people, and to not have any consequences for their own actions

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