They finally did it: Reddit made it impossible for blind Redditors to moderate their own sub to – 1236 points –

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Someone needs to start a "campaign" for naming and shaming companies who advertises on Reddit. "[This company] supports a company that actively discriminates against the disabled. #SayNoToReddit"

Don't know what else to say in agreement to your comment but I very much agree with it

We need to start taking back power from corporations because without us they are nothing

Transfer our reliance away from corporations as much as possible

This is the way, hitting Reddit where it hurts.

People can complain and try to make Reddit listen but they do not care. As long as they have money rolling in from ads.

honestly yes. While I do think "ableism" is sometimes took to a bit of an extreme, in this case it's good... and serves the good purpose of making Reddit even less money, which is a good purpose in and of itself!

I already cancelled my Dashlane, after they did an AMA on Reddit during the blackout. I don't support companies who cross picket lines.