Wasabi, beloved on sushi, linked to "really substantial" boost in memory, Japanese study finds

FlumPHP@programming.dev to Food and Cooking@beehaw.org – 30 points –
Wasabi, beloved on sushi, linked to "really substantial" boost in memory, Japanese study finds

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I’ve never met anyone that likes wasabi, so I’m skeptical about every claim in this headline

I like wasabi.

I think the study is probably irreproducible bullshit, but at least I like wasabi.

Now the question is, has anyone here actually had wasabi?

But here's the rub: That tangy paste served up at nearly all sushi bars — even the ones in Japan — is almost certainly an impostor. Far more common than the real thing is a convincing fraud, usually made of ordinary white horseradish, dyed green.

Japan doesn’t even produce enough to fulfill their own demand, I’m almost certain all Wasabi I’ve ever had was fake.

I like it in small amounts in sushi, plus in a few other dishes (like my "undead raising" lamen. It gets wasabi, black pepper, red pepper and ginger. If whatever you have ends killing you, don't worry - the mix will make your body move again!)

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