Crypto genius

Striker@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy – 678 points –

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You just described all economies

Lmao yeah me trading an hour worth of work for a meal that I will consume is the same thing as me trading an hour of work for a nebulous pile of 1s and 0s and hoping some dipshit will pay 2 hours worth of work for them later

Lmao you're working in a barter economy?

I make x dollars per hour

A meal at a restaurant costs roughly x dollars

I trade one hour of labor for x dollars, then trade x dollars for one meal


So you're working in hope to get a nebulous pile of 1s and 0s or a some colorful pieces of paper. On top of that those numbers and papers have no intrinsic value, but are instead valuated by some dipshits and can become worthless overnight.

What's your point there buddy?

Lmao yeah me trading an hour worth of work for a meal that I will consume is the same thing as me trading an hour of work for a nebulous pile of 1s and 0s and hoping some dipshit will pay 2 hours worth of work for them later

The money I work for has value because its almost entirely held in banks insured by the United States Federal Reserve and those dollars are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States. If that money becomes valueless overnight the whole world is in for a very rough time, and I definitely won't be alone in my plight. You can't say any of that about cryptocurrencies

those numbers and papers have no intrinsic value, but are instead valuated by some dipshits and can become worthless overnight.

Remind me again what Bitcoin is

Economics is simply a study in how to allocate scarce goods. It does not need to result in hoarding scarce goods in the hope of getting more for them later.