How to rip a dvd (probably also works with cds, etc) on gnu/linux (probably also works on other *nix systems such as macos and openbsd)

gun/ to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ – 46 points –
  1. Plug in the dvd

  2. Run lsblk to see if it got detected

  3. Run dd if=/dev/cdrom of=dvd.dvd status=progress

  4. You can now play the ripped dvd using mpv: mpv dvd://0/dvd.dvd

If you need to get rid of digital restrictions management, you can try this guide


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This makes an exact copy with DRM and all.

DVD encryption has been completely broken and that's why there is free software for playing DVDs.

BluRay encryption has not been and has effectively prevented me from bying any BluRays. Wasted money on a drive way back when bying my current desktop and I didn't realize this. Tried some commercial software, but they neither didn't seem to reliably play the movies from library I tested with or triggered some more advanced DRM on the disc.

You can play BluRays (excluding UHD BluRay) using libaacs and the right keys.