Do tiny grass dream of trees? to Lemmy – 304 points –

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IIRC the English is apparently the original text and the Chinese is nonsensical Google translate output.

Not sure where you heard that but the Chinese fully makes sense to me and I can further confirm the English translation is simply due to literal translation of the phrase "小草" (small+grass), which turns out to be a turns out to be a customary name for Microchloa indica.

The Chinese text reads: Microchloa indica is resting, please don't bother it

Huh, I can't read Chinese so I'm obviously taking others word for it, but several people in this Reddit thread and this language blog both said there were several problems with the Chinese text.

Both thread linked have different word, so this one could be doctored to correct it 🤔

Yeah... two of the characters in the Chinese text are different, but the rest of the image is the same. I guess that explains it.

Whoever photoshopped it did a great job. I totally didn't notice it had been altered from the version I thought it was.