Biden administration uses emergency authority to sell tank shells to Israel to World – 292 points –

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This is Biden fault not American voters. He chooses to ignore voters and choose to ignore problems. Voters shouldn’t be blamed for the correct policies people want.

Speaking as someone who is strongly anti-Israel, the idea that American voters are opposed to military aid to Israel is just... not connected with reality.

That's because us regular people aren't in control of the country. Our leadership is akin to what you see in professional wrestling, you have "the heel" and "the face." One group pretends to be the bad guys and the other pretends to be the good guys, but they're really all friends who hang out in the same circles behind the scenes. What they present to the public is all an act.

This is also not connected with reality. Their interests often align, but they seldom hang out together. In the past this happened a lot more.